Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

My covid footprint on my community is next to zero. I live with 1 other person and my dog. I see no one who’s trying to quarantine. Those I see who aren’t quarantining aren’t going to be any less riskier whether I see them or not

Is this performance art?


Pro tip: People who resort to only insults because they have nothing factual to say, probably shouldn’t be talking about having a low IQ

lol why would I take a pro tip from a kid in his 20s who goes to the gym mask less during a pandemic and carries a gun around everywhere


If, hypothetically, the gym only had one person in there, that would be basically 100% safe.

If they have two people in there, it’s still pretty safe, as the odds of one being infected is low and the odds of an infected person managing to infect one other person in a large space is also low. You’ve also now introduced the problem of either of those people infecting the other, who then go and infect someone at the grocery store or whatever. But still very low risk.

Each additional person at the gym makes it more likely that there is an infected person present, makes it more likely that if someone there IS infected that they spread it to at least one other person, and makes it more likely that if someone is infected it ends up making its way to the grocery store clerk or the gas station attendant or the pharmacist or the wife and kids of the guy who needs to lift or their coworkers or classmates or teachers or school nurses or the healthcare workers in the hospitals that all of those people end up in.

Every single person who engages in the selfish behavior that you’re defending bears responsibility, and every single person increases the risk for their neighbors when they act like you do.

You want to go to the gym. You like going to the gym. And that is more important to you than the health of a stranger who you’ll never meet and whose eventual sickness you’ll likely never even know about, even if you’re directly responsible for it.


You know… I pretty much totally disagree with everything Cactus has typed, but when I think about this from the perspective of early 20’s me… Who has to go work at a call center where mask adherence probably sucks…

Yeah I’d probably be at the gym and be doing everything in my power to avoid people who had no exposure. There’s a point you get to where you just accept that something is going to happen to you. It’s that spot war veterans talk about where you’ve accepted that you’re not going to make it home.

I think he’s taking it way too far, and I think both him and his gf should be making drastically more sacrifices for the good of humanity… but he’s just an idiot like we all were at his age.

This, at a macro level, is why the government opening everything up was a terrible idea. From the perspective of the mating obsessed lizard brain of a homo sapiens in its early 20’s LOTS of risky behavior is fine. This thing is nowhere near dangerous enough to deter people who are responsible for like 85% of all reported crime from doing risky shit. It was totally inevitable that the people in their early 20’s were going to take as much risk as was on offer and it was societies responsibility to stop them.

The people on this forum aren’t responsible for the failure of our civilization to handle this well… but the civilization has a lot more to atone for here than Cactus. Cactus is just being an early 20’s dude like we all used to be.

Think about the stupidest thing you did in your late teens through early 20’s. Is it less imbecilic than this thread?

It is now clear that it is a futile effort to change your mind.

You are in the wrong, being actively dangerous, and are trying to kill my parents. I wish you nothing but the best, despite the fact that you wish me nothing but the worst. Good day.

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He can go do all the risky things he wants but being arrogant and saying it only affects him, his girl and dog is worse than doing the stupid thing.


Great, let’s get the civilization to make an account here so we can tell them how they’re wrong and selfish with regards to Covid. In the meantime I think we should point out to actual people who are here and listening when they do things that are harmful.

Like, racism is very much more of a societal/systemic problem than it is an individual problem. But I have to imagine we would call out racism on the forum even before we fix society’s issues with race.


That’s how he sleeps at night.

Did something that was harmful. He can’t take it back now. Think of this thread as anthropology. He is quarantined now right?

In this thread we have the world trying to convince a vocal libertarian that the consequences of his actions on other people matter. I wonder how that will go?


All you and others can do is provide childish insults while not producing a single shred of evidence that my covid footprint (or others like me) are responsible for even the slightest blip in the enormous spike we’re seeing. I’d take a look at colleges being open and maybe the beaches all summer and in warmer climates. Also, all the protests going on and I’m sure election day will increase cases dramatically. You have done NOTHING to show that people like me are even remotely responsible for the +100k cases per day we’re now seeing. Insults aren’t a substitute for evidence. They are a substitute for thinking

He is obviously going to continue going to the gym.


I guess so doesn’t mean we can’t clown on him a little. I got clowned on for doing stupid shit when I was younger all the time, putting your dumb behavior out in public opens you up for criticism.

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I thought he stopped?? Yeah no he knows he’s been exposed he’s gotta stop until he’s clear again. Then if it makes him feel better he can be fully out there.

This is true too.

Because that kid in his 20s is clearly more mature than you are and doesn’t have to fall back on insults when losing an argument. You think I’m wrong? Map out the number of people you think I’m responsible for giving covid to and how I exposed them more than any other random person

Hot off the press:



Dude please tell me you’re quarantined so I can keep defending you. These are the days you’ll never be able to justify.