Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Wow actual data! Will definitely read

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Places with open gyms also have open restaurants, bars, schools, etc. If you’re looking at the numbers, it’s going to be difficult to identify whether an increase in cases is directly tied to the gym goers, or only to the bar or restaurant goers. We also have very limited contact tracing in most places, so we can’t look there for data.

The good news is, we know that it’s a respiratory virus and everyone agrees that activities involving heavy strenuous breathing, even just singing/loudly speaking, are especially dangerous. So we know for a fact that working out in a gym without a mask is like, one of the highest possible risk activities. I think the burden is on you to prove that the little Petri dish you’ve created at your gym and your living quarters with the gf won’t spread to anyone else.

Imagine thinking you were “winning” this argument.


This is my general guiding principle when deciding whether to engage in a certain behavior and a question I always ask myself.

If everyone acted as I am about to act, would society be worse or better off?

I think the answer in your case is quite clear. If everyone acted as you, we’d be in quite a worse situation.


And in 10 days he’ll be back.

I am definitely quarantined for the next couple of weeks. I’m not an idiot nor looking to get anyone sick

One thing not taken into account is the mental makeup of those who frequent gyms, bars, and restaurants. Many may be outright conspiracy theorists who think this is all a hoax. I also suspect many are not at all careful in other aspects of their lives and don’t let others know their lifestyle, and are careless to who they expose. I am neither of these things


If you literally NEVER got anywhere near anyone outside of the gym, including you immolate yourself if you get sick and might end up in the hospital, you’d have a point. Masks aren’t any kind of guarantee of no transmission though. Just admit that your going to the gym is putting people at risk. It’s not like it swings you from guaranteed not spreading to guaranteed spreading, but it’s the kind of behavior that may change R from <1 to >1 if many people do it.

(I’ve done lots of things I didn’t have to do as well. I don’t think anything nearly as risky as going to a gym, but things other people aren’t doing.)


And the thing is a lot of people are currently acting like him and the country is heading in a very bad direction in regards to covid

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Yeah humans are like that. Selfish, short sighted, and terrible at assessing risk. It’s almost like that’s the whole reason we have a government… There is no time in a persons life when they have more of these tendencies than their early 20’s.

What was the stupidest thing you did as a young man @oneeyedtripping? If you’re like me you’ll literally never answer that in public where anyone you don’t implicitly trust can learn of it.

Why should you be allowed to accept all risk that you are willing to bear, especially when increasing your own risk correlates to increased risk for others? Why do you support mask mandates instead of letting people accept the risks of going maskless?

I could say that you are inconsistent, but you really are consistent; you just want to be able to do what you want to do, while spackling over the holes in your reasoning to justify being allowed to do what you want to do.

I will say this point-blank: I don’t trust your judgment and I don’t think you should be allowed to use your own judgment on this point. Your choices should be limited. Government was invented to protect against people like you who might not make a difference individually, but whose collective action serves as implicit collusion of dumbassery.

That’s nothing like the reason why government was invented.

Case in point. As I was typing my last post we got a FedEx delivery and the guy wasn’t wearing a mask! I told opened a side window and told him to leave it at the door and gave him my name. Now THAT’S a big reason this thing keeps spreading. I mean, WTF a large company like that doesn’t require employees who are coming in contact with people all day long to wear a mask?! I’m still asymptomatic and could easily have opened the door, stood right next to him and accepted the delivery. Then he goes and spreads it to coworkers and everyone on his route. But I’m the problem lmao! Please…

Your libertarian attitude, shared by many others, is the problem.

Majority of deliveries the fedex driver is never in contact with a person, they just leave it there (also they are almost always outside). Also during his break he doesn’t go back to the facility and hang out in the break room

And lastly just because other people are doing risky things it doesn’t make you look any better lol

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This whole stupid derail got started by me posting yesterday about my law partner’s wife’s gym who got completely pozzed while covering it up to the actual customers. As a result now several family members of the gym crew are pozzed and some are in the ICU. Then in turn they risk the lives of health care workers. Who then risk the lives of their families.

I don’t get why this is so hard for you to understand. This isn’t abstract to me. My wife is an ICU nurse and is going to have PTSD for life and has been a shell of herself so you can go and plank with all the other mouthbreathers maskless at the gym. She has had coworkers get infected and at least one currently in the ICU themselves.

Grow up.


You explicitly said you take off your mask, indoors, surrounded by other people, while you breathe heavy and grunt.
What kind of fucking moron makes this argument after admitting that.

Little old lady walking her dog without a mask outside has got NOTHING on you, bro

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He is going back to work imminently. He stated that last night.

I agree with the government stepping in and requiring businesses to mandate masks and/or shut down as necessary. However, this is still a free country. You will never be able to enforce mask wearing in public places, but can certainly enact laws where you need to wear a mask within x feet of a store similar to smoking. It’s a very slippery slope infringing on 1st and 4th amendment rights. It’s hilarious you don’t trust my judgement. You either spend far too much time in this echo chamber or you don’t even understand the world you live in and your bubble is much smaller than even I anticipated (and I already thought it was small)

Yeah that’s really gross and for his sake I hope nobody gets it from him there. If they do he’s morally responsible for anything that happens down that chain and there’s no getting around it.

No, he is going into work where he will infect others because hes like 90% to be pozzed.