Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

At this point, I’m gonna need pics of Cactus and perhaps the GF because they’d better look like fitness models or bodybuilders.

Like, imagine spreading the plague and still ending up all soft and doughy with no core strength nor beach muscles.




This is a serious question I don’t know the answer to. I don’t see a reason to get tested unless (until?) I get sick. What good can it do? I’m not leaving the house again until she recovers. If I don’t get it (I honestly don’t see how I wouldn’t get it, since we’re breathing the same air even though she’s been staying in bed for the most part), then I’ll get tested before I return to my office where I work in close proximity to others

Again, it boggles my mind how the takeaway from my initial post is “omg your lifestyle!” when it should be that the company I work for is stupid. Not only for making me come in today, but for allowing people to come and go without wearing masks

Planks for rollz?

:rofl: :joy:

Nah dog you’re right, they’re infantile as fuck, that’s the point. They’re funny reaction gifs to keep from screaming.

You want another person screaming?

Ok, what possible fucking reason could you have for going to a gym? Be as specific as possible.


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You have any more questions?

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The story falls apart when cactus says he doesn’t wear a mask indoors at the gym but he wears it outdoors bike riding.

The only part that is believable is that he is in his early 20’s.


I’m confusing the posters Cactus and Canada - seem similar.

Hear me out here…

It might just be possible that two things can be stupid and dangerous at the same time.

Also, get tested 5 days or so after exposure to a positive case. There is a very good chance you will contract COVID-19. You may be an asymptomatic case, and assume that you are ok while spewing virus all over your work place and gym for the next couple of weeks.

I know you are very adamant about not caring whether you get sick or die from COVID-19 but maybe there is a glimmer of hope that you don’t actively want to kill other people. This will be your best chance to prove it.

Isolate while presumed positive, get tested once incubation should have occurred, continue to isolate until after your hopefully negative test and until your gf is testing negative and recovered (she could still infect you after you take a test as long as she stays positive).

Do the right thing for your community please and thank you.


Planks are a good workout. You know where you can do them? At home.


I’m very willing to hear out someone who doesn’t post like a child. I’ll heed your advice. I gotta take a break from this forum for a while, so if ya don’t hear from me in a week or so, maybe I’m dead or hospitalized from covid. Just a couple final points tho…

The new title of this thread is the epitome of arrogance and what’s wrong with this forum. As if this tiny sliver of the internet represents “everyone” and all ye who dare stray from the commonly held view here is “out of step”. I mean, jesus christ. All the experts say that the #1 thing you can do to help is WEAR A MASK! Not sure where you guys live, but by me, it’s far more common to see people out walking their dogs, or to their cars, or just taking a stroll without a mask than with one. And every time I pass one of them I can’t help but think, I’m wearing this mask to protect dumbasses like you!

I mean, how much harder could you people possibly come down on them than you have on someone like myself who ALWAYS wears a mask anytime they step outside their door? I double mask when entering any store (well a mask plus I got a neck sleeve I pull up over it). I do this not just for my own protection, but that of others. I avoid family members and anyone I don’t know or who might be trying to keep themselves safe. It true that I seem to have a slightly higher risk tolerance when it comes to coronavirus than most here, but I’m also sure that I do just as much, if not more, to be responsible and keep others who are trying to avoid it safe whenever possible

Don’t misconstrue my comments as me taking the virus lightly. It is devastating this country both from a health and economic perspective. But we haven’t climbed to 50 million cases because of people like me. Rather, we have an irresponsible imbecile for a president who not only has done nothing to help prevent the spread, but has encouraged its rapid exponential growth. It’s absurd to blame mask wearing people like myself who don’t hunker down as much as you’d prefer for this country’s out of control coronavirus problem. I’m confident that once Biden takes over (if he takes over) that we’ll quickly make great strides in getting this pandemic under control

My point is, don’t blame people who are willing to take on a slightly riskier lifestyle and patronize the small non essential businesses who need the money to stay afloat and pay their workers. It’s not MY decision that they are open. And the fact that you’d even say, “maybe there’s a glimmer of hope I don’t want to actively kill other people” is fucking crazy man unless the only thing you’ve ever read from me is that I was going to a gym\

So long for a while all you righteous beautiful people

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I agree that’s why I told you if you had to go to the gym to wear a mask. I’m not sure why later in the post you say you always wear a mask when you don’t wear one engaging in your riskiest activity.



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I don’t get why it’s so hard to understand. The very act of being at a gym, bar, or restaurant, is a tacit implication that you’re willing to accept risk. I mean, everyone who’s railing on me for going to the gym ITT would have to be an idiot walking into a gym and then getting triggered at the sight of everyone not wearing a mask. It’s like #1 or #2 on the high risk of activities (mask or no mask). So why would I worry about them or them me? Now what they do when they leave is up to them. I follow every safe protocol possible everywhere else I go and like I said upthread, if they do not, my not being there would make no difference whatsoever


At least you don’t have to worry about the lower IQ side effect from covid

And no wonder hospitals are getting near capacity in areas and traveling nurses can make close to $200/hr

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I don’t understand what question you are trying to ask.

Are you asking why people are upset that you’re unnecessarily taking on a huge amount of risk to both yourself and your community?

Edit: Literally nobody cares that you’re freely and openly accepting this risky behavior, and that others are freely and openly taking this risk with you. Everyone wants you and other dummies like you to STOP DOING THAT BECAUSE YOU ARE RUINING THE WORLD.

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Cactus is a simple guy he only knows what he sees and government lets gym open so gym ok, once closed then gym won’t be ok. Plus all the people he sees at these places are aware of the risks and taking them and none of them are in contact with other people. They live in this big gym bubble and the outside world is completely isolated from their dumb risky behavior