Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Tell them you have Covid and don’t go. You likely do have Covid.

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Since when did truth ever matter on this forum? People are allowed to freely make up lies and stick to them no matter what. Wait… I think there’s a president like that. Donald something… :thinking:

You said you went for a bike ride yesterday. Did you know she was sick when you did?

Also your boss cant make you expose others. They can tell you to but that is still your choice.

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Dude what? Your GF who just went somewhere this weekend tested positive for Covid today? Newsflash, it is very unlikely she got Covid over the weekend as she likely wouldn’t test positive yet. She probably got it at the gym maskless and so did you.

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No. I didn’t know she was sick until last night right before I called my boss and shortly before I posted

As to what my boss can or can’t do, I’m not sure is a settled matter. I have an older friend with underlying conditions who was made to go into work. I suggested he refuse and sue them if they fired him for it. I found that’s a lot easier to say than actually do

She was probably banging some dude while Cactus was at the gym last Thursday.

Just kidding!

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This thread… and yet I click. No more Satan, no more.


We talked about that, but her friend also got it and she doesn’t go to the gym. Do you HAVE to be asymptomatic for two weeks? Isn’t it possible to get sick right away if you catch a heavy viral load? I honestly don’t know, but none of our other friends are sick

I lol’d

Wait, she just went there 2 days ago?

She got it last week, not on the trip.

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Has she seen her friend in the last week prior? You usually don’t test positive until at least day 4/5 sometimes longer.

I’ll make one comment here, I knew a guy once who gave his gf an std and he was really upset that… she was upset because he thinks she should have known the risks even though he didn’t tell her.

I don’t know cactus, I don’t want to pile on, but do better.

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Well…alright. Just stay off the bike trails.

And yeah my boss cant make me come to work if im living with someone with the virus. They could ask but gl with that. Half the people i work with have underlying conditions so they would get a no and the ball would be in their court.

I just wanted to stop by and say that life does stop for COVID and I do live in fear of it. You don’t lose any manly points for it.

My sister-in-law is late 20’s, active, healthy. Got COVID two months ago. She has been home since. Can’t do any sport. Has muscle and joint pains. Constantly fatigued. Sleeps 12 hours a day (not by choice).

You don’t have to die from it or even hospitalized to have a serious negative effect on your life.


She left last Sunday and came back Saturday night. I’m not gonna scroll back to look, but I may have said she went for the weekend when I meant week. They got back and her friend got sick this weekend

Then ya she probably did get pozzed on her trip.

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To be fair, that dude is out there eating asses and edible panties.


Finally a productive post and that I can take to heart. Long term complications even for the healthiest individuals are known to occur. If Rodgriquez can be sidelined for the season due to heart complications from Covid, it can happen to anyone. Nevertheless, it’s rare and I hope your sister-in-law makes a full recovery soon!

Or at least jerking off while peaking out his blinds.

Yeah so she got pozzed on her trip and now you gonna be pozz soon

Good luck; hopefully you get an easy case

The good news is you may be immune for awhile so you can go crazy at the gym in 2 weeks!

The bad news is you shouldn’t leave your house for 2 weeks because you are gonna be infectious.

She got back home two nights ago? Then you should get tested Friday or Saturday. Before that will be likely false negative.