Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Let’s go more general. Do you understand the concept of “the tragedy of the commons” and do you think it applies to coronavirus?

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If a politician told you to jump off a bridge would you.

Wait you are living with a positive person and are still going out…



I don’t think most of us live in fear tbh. We are trying not to kill the other people we come into contact with.


He is going to work as well. CANT LIVE IN FEAR.


Story sets off my troll radar and is kind of hard to believe. Almost like an angle attack on masks.

Yep there’s no point interacting with folks with this mindset. Just pat them on the head, feel sorry for them for a minute, and then completely forget about them forever more.


@Cactus, so you and your GF have covid? Symptoms? When did you two test positive?

Your reckless decisions don’t only affect you. They affect the grocery store workers that have no choice in the matter. They affect the ICU nurses that have to take care of you or the person you unwittingly infect. It’s a cascading sequence of events. Just because you’re young, dumb and don’t give a fuck about dying, doesn’t limit the consequences of your idiotic actions to yourself.

Hope that helps!


This forum is probably one of the most proactive communities you’ll find regarding precautions and the seriousness in which we are taking this. Maybe go post on T_D about licking doorknobs and YOLOing it up at the fucking bar. Fuck off.

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Yes, I think I do. And I’m pretty sure that the few individuals who decided to open the college of the friend they were visiting did a helluva lot more damage than I or other “individuals” could ever do acting in their own self interest. Did you see the end of the Notre Dame game? But yeah… People who have the audacity to go to open gyms is the big fucking headline ITT

I went to work today because my boss made me, which is why I jumped into this thread in the first place. I thought it was the height of irresponsibility to have someone knowingly exposed, exposing the entire office. But apparently, I was wrong and going to a gym is far worse according to derps ITT. Otherwise, hell no! I’m not going anywhere! I got him to finally agree to let me work from home at least until she’s 3 days without symptoms and I test negative after that

I suppose you’d just get fired and lose your job tough guy. I can only aspire to be just like you when I grow up

My gf does and tested poz. She started getting sick yesterday and her friend showed symptoms the day before. I don’t have any symptoms yet. I see no reason to get tested until I either get sick (for CDC data) or before I go back to work

Oh, and some of you btw… My gf is feeling slightly better tonight. Thanks for (not) asking you self righteous preaching scumbags. And to 6ix, just fuck off with your little memes. I know you think they’re clever, but they’re laughably infantile and pathetic

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