Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

boredsocial had his own special derail thread to contain anger over a much more sympathetic set of facts than this.


This, this is true. And I ended up being 100% right too through sheer dumb luck. The best way to be right IMO. Keeps you humble and itā€™s still fun as hell.

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You arenā€™t taking every precaution possibleā€¦thatā€™s what we are trying to say

One precaution possible is to NOT GO TO THE GYM

This is a pandemicā€¦we are all in it together and we all affect each other. Every thing any of us do to increase our odds of getting it also increases the odds of others getting it or dying.

We donā€™t all have the same line for what is acceptable there, but nobody rational is gonna agree that the gym is ok.

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Heā€™s saying that he and the other gym patrons are consenting to the risk, and as long as they all wear masks in public itā€™s impossible for them to unintentionally infect anyone else.

I understand what he is saying. It isnā€™t based in reality.


Or at least wear a mask while there?

She is literally pozz and you are going to go into work instead of doing the 14 day quarantine.

How is that not up to you and how are you saying you arenā€™t going to increase cases when you are going into work while sleeping with a positive person?

Just own your selfishness and be done with this thread

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So to be clear here, you and your gf worked out at the gym regularly, she went to NY and hit up the bars, you didnā€™t quarantine from her, your boss wants you to come in despite her almost certain pozzing, and youā€™re going to do it?

In old 2p2 terms, everybody gets a KITN.

Sheā€™s 100% pozz!

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When someone presents a cogent argument Iā€™ll stop and think about it. In the meantime, this is just another gangbang fuck fest for helpless trolls to take their outrage out on someone with a differing veiwpoint

Right. Itā€™s all MY fault lol.

Maybe you guys were right to bring up the gun thread because it seems like a very similar disconnect. Some nut job shoots 20 people and first thing you wanna do is punish and blame all the law abiding legal gun owners who never harmed a soul in their lives. Cases spike to +100k per day and you wanna blame all the young people who donā€™t have to worry about it, but are trying to be responsible by wearing masks wherever they go. I wore a mask on my bike ride yesterday and must have passed no less than +50 middle aged or older people who werenā€™t wearing one. But yeahā€¦ Blame the young guy who goes to the gym, but wears a mask everywhere else for this countryā€™s coronavirus problem lmao. Because it canā€™t possibly be the fault of other dysfunctional systems in place

I get it now. You always gotta have a person, preferably online, to blame all your ails on, instead of actual causes or powers that be. Itā€™s much easier to be a wuss and gang up on individual people who hold a different view online. Probably makes you feel good about yourselves. Like youā€™re smart and even making a difference. In the meantime, hate to break it to yā€™all, but youā€™re not changing the world

This pandemic and the 244k deaths in the US is not the peopleā€™s fault. Itā€™s the fault of a failed government with no leadership. People like me are willing to play ball and follow rules and laws. Get a mask wearing mandate in place, shut things down, and compensate those who lose their jobs and stop blaming the citizens!

There are varying degrees of blame. Just because some others deserve more blame doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t deserve any. I agree you arenā€™t the #1 worst Covid offender. Hope that helps.


Are you going to grocery stores?


Youā€™re blaming the government for not stopping you from being inconsiderate.


Cactus is just a piece of paper and goes where the wind blows. Government says gym open, then thatā€™s ok, government says this is closed then cactus will stop. He is completely submissive to the government and what they tell him to do or not do

When the government says jump, cactus just asks ā€œhow high sirā€


Masks arenā€™t 100% effective, and if yours is cloth itā€™s probably 90% or less. Hope that helps explain it.

Tale as old as time. Iā€™d totally definitely not be a selfish asshole if there was just a law against it!

Thereā€™s blame to go around, and some of it is yours. Deal with it.

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If Gritty ever sees you maskless in a gym, run.



I never get tired of coming back to this thread to learn more about covid or vaccines, only to learn more about cactusā€™ gym habits instead.

I mean isnā€™t this sort of the issue basically everywhere but ā€¦ China (and maybe other parts of Asia)? In the end a lot of people are just instinctively drawn to not alter their lives too drastically. Iā€™m not talking about the covid deniers but the large amount of people in the well-meaning middle ground. Theyā€™ve never had to change their lives substantially before and so they just donā€™t. I know in Australia our gyms/cinemas/bars were closed forcibly (lol America) so the decision was made for us but loads of non-derposphere people would have been going to the gym if not. And we were only lucky in being an island that allowed us to even get down to 0 community transmission cases for 11 days straight now.

Itā€™s because itā€™s absurd. You people pick one aspectā€¦ One sentenceā€¦ And fixate on it like trolling slugs

There are so many more important things to fixate on. People shopping at grocery stores with their nose hanging out of their masks. A leaderless government. People outright denying science and trying to discredit doctors, etc. I donā€™t do any of that.

Iā€™m just not someone whoā€™s lives paralyzed with fear over coronavirus. And I realize Iā€™m lucky for that. Or maybe Iā€™ll be unlucky and die from it. Either way, young people who go to gyms, bars, restaurants and support their local businesses should be able to assume that everyone else whoā€™s there are also willing to risk infection. Itā€™s also reasonable to assume theyā€™ll take the same responsible precautions I do when in public so as not to expose anyone else. And guess what? If they donā€™t take those same precautions, me not being there wonā€™t make a goddamn bit of difference!