Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Gyms, bars, and restaurants are open (they’re actually starting to close again, which I’m in full support of). You are saying that by me boycotting these establishments it will allow your kids to safely return to school and for you all to get on with your lives sooner. Is that it?

Or are you saying that others who patronize these places will then go visit their brother and infect his family and kids who in turn, by chain reaction will spike the cases putting your family in danger? Cuz I don’t do that. I seriously fail to see how I’m spiking cases. As it is, my gf got it and tested positive this morning. She obviously got it from someone else. If it were up to me, we’d both stay home however long until she recovers and is no longer a threat. Please explain how this would spike cases?

You’re blaming people like me when the problem is that these establishments are open in the first place by politicians. As for the rest of it, you can’t expect people to close up shop or just stay home without a paycheck for months without compensating them. I assume you don’t live paycheck to paycheck and have the luxury of hunkering down. Not everyone can do that and I fully understand the push to keep things open if there is no compensation.

This is a terrible pandemic and those in danger should take every precaution possible. We are also without any leadership from the top down. Biden is putting together a task force of real scientists and doctors who I’m sure will immediately begin implementing real measures to get this under control. Until then, maybe you should stop blaming the people (not everyone is in danger) for the failings of our government

There is a big difference in supporting your local business by getting takeout or sitting on their patios for a beer than going to an indoor gym maskless… indoor transmission rates are astronomically higher than outdoor. If everyone stopped going to gyms, the government would be forced to provide relief - now the people are subsidizing the health of the country for the governments inaction.

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One reason these establishments are open is pressure from people like you who want to go to them. You say you want these places to be shut down, but you’re voting with your feet when you go to them. You can say that politicians should be herding sheep like you, but maybe you should be less like a sheep that needs herding.


When every single person disagrees with you, its probably a good time to shut up and do some thinking for a while.


The single raindrop never feels responsible for the flood.


Going to the gym and going to a bar are essentially the same risk profile. The only difference between her getting pozzed and you getting pozzed is variance. Presumably she was around other people in the last few days right? And those people were around people? And those people were around people? And then eventually some people die. If your point is that money > lives or that your physical fitness > lives then ok. That’s an honest way to frame your argument. But stop acting like you are taking every possible precaution when you clearly aren’t.

Lastly the only reason the government needs to have restrictions on behavior is that people can’t be responsible enough to do the right thing on their own. In a perfect world we wouldn’t need to have the government tell us that going to bars or gyms was literally killing people during an airborne pandemic and we aren’t allowed to do it. But it’s clear we don’t live in that world.


But did you get Covid?

I hope your girlfriend doesn’t get unlucky and die or suffer long-term consequences from COVID-19.

I hope you don’t get it either, though it appears that you are certainly trying your hardest to contract the disease.

Wear a fucking mask and stop being a dipshit. Peace and love.

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Isn’t this exactly the same argument that took place with that orgies guy?


Color me shocked that an early 20s, gun toting Libertarian bro is going to the gym and can’t understand why he’s getting eviscerated.

You’re a fucking idiot.


Like, you’ve done the mental calculus, and you’re much more likely to get assaulted while jogging and feel the need to carry a gun, than you are to catch a highly communicable, contagious disease that has and can kill people of all ages and backgrounds. Legit a fucking moron.


OMG we need a new thread for this.

I’ve done a lot of reefer moves over the years, and if there’s one thing I’m sure of it’s that cold chain is a hard problem that got solved a long time ago. The reason that dude doing the logistics sounds so precise is that he’s a good player of a solved game. He’s got problems to solve, but they’re just puzzles that if approached with unlimited resources definitely have solutions.

He does sound like he’s good at his job, which we shouldn’t take for granted considering. This is the kind of shit that people like the Trumps simply can’t pull off. I’m glad there’s at least one adult in the room as these shipments are moving around. Nobody tell Jared anything about this. That guy is fucking cancer.

The good news is that the vast majority of the vaccine deployment will come under President Biden.


I thought we would be Borat high-fiving for dozens of posts and instead it’s another Cactus crapfest. Dude is the WOAT.


Mask doesn’t stop it all.

When you go to the store or the gas station or work or wherever then you can infect others.

It’s not a personal choice and it doesn’t just affect you because you will interact with others.

Unless you never leave the house and only go to the gym and that is 100% it. Then carry on.

But if you go to grocery stores or the office or other shared places then you are risking others’ lives at a higher rate because you are going to the gym.

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But you arent considering their safety. You’re huffing and puffing without a mask in their place of business. What the fuck are you doing?

Can somebody give this moron a temp ban or something? He’s clearly wrong and not willing to listen. Let’s move on with the thread.

We’ve put up a number of cogent arguments. #1 being that you are acting like a complete and total dipshit with no regard for anybody else, simply so you can pick heavy things up off the ground.

Stop being a raging dumbfuck


Sorry. I responded without reading the rest of the thread. I’ll refrain from further derail