Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

I don’t think they do. Neither do I. That’s why we should listen to scientists and experts. If an electrician tells me not to touch that wire then I am not going to touch that wire. If epidemiologists tell me to not go to gyms, socially distance and wear a mask then I am going to do that.


I think people still cast votes, but too many have been suckered into the induced apathy of bothsiderism.

This is my guess…the whole story does not pass the smell test.

But he is posting fine outside of this thread so, meh.

I must have missed that.

If you’ve gotten to the “I was a dumbass for going maskless in a gym” stage and have genuinely changed your behavior and your view on things, then I have no problems.

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He’s trolling in the other threads. This thread is really him.

People don’t watch CNN 24/7. I didn’t even know it was recommended not to go to gyms

:rofl: :joy:

You know what I mean. Special interests pour money into a politician’s campaign and that’s how they become elected. Hopefully, we’ll start seeing a decline in that now that progressives have shown it’s possible to win without corporate or lobbying money

As for the rest of you, it’s like arguing with a bunch of stubborn old farts. If you really want to think the reason the wealthiest nation on earth is doing so poorly with covid is because we have worse people, and not because we have broken institutions, government, and leadership, then you’re hopelessly pathetic

I can’t wait for my generation to start running things to create real change. All you guys wanna do is cast blame on others. You’re fucking worthless

It’s all related. Corporate interests have harmed our institutions partly through an individualistic ideology that fuels an anti-government streak that is used to justify deregulation. The people who have bought into the idolatry of rugged individualism are the people who are anti-mask and provide enough support to cover politicians who don’t address COVID properly. And those people justify their selfishness by saying that their vote doesn’t matter, that one vote doesn’t swing an election.

If your generation is bad at navigating the COVID tragedy of the commons scenario, why should we have any faith in your ability to do so when you start running things?

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Can you cite one poster that does not believe this? You just are unable to comprehend what people are telling you.


That’s on you and pretending like watching CNN around the clock every day is the only way to get this highly classified information is ridiculously disingenious.


Reading thread for first time: Holy Fuck Sticks.

Keep telling myself: “It’s okay modern day humans are complete morons until at the very least twenty five years old plus and many are much slower.”

I can cite 100 posts where I keep trying to point this out only to get hit with BUT OMG YOU WENT TO A GYM! Or some silly cartoon. OR… I get the disingenuous and ridiculous accusation that I wanna be a slave to the government

But none of this should surprise me. This entire thread is about making fun of and trashing people who don’t take covid as seriously as you do. That’s the important primary goal for you shit stains. Instead of a serious discussion on how to fix a broken system and how exactly we got to this point (HINT: It’s not the American population’s fault!), and why the wealthiest nation on earth couldn’t manage to get stimulus money into the hands of those who’d be put out of work so we could properly shut down for a month and avoid the explosion of new cases and daily deaths, you’d rather waste your time trashing mostly young people who are the least affected by this virus for their irresponsibility

This thread title should be changed to: Why care about solutions when we can blame and bitch?

Why do you insist on making this about me? It’s not on me. And it’s not on the American people to keep up with the news as much as you do. They don’t have time to watch TV or be on internet forums all day. I’m not gonna blame someone even if they never heard of Dr. Fauci. Their mayor, bosses, and elected officials should have tho. And it’s those people in charge who have failed them

In the meantime, I’m gonna go watch a bunch of maskless people play full contact games all day on national TV while helpless nurses hold the hands of dying people and hospitals try and figure out a way to make room for the critically ill and what to do with their corpses

You knew it was recommended to wear a mask since you said you wore one, outside of working out.

And wait…you knew it was bad for your girlfriend to go to a bar but not for you to go to the gym…


This thread is about you and your bad decision, yes. Read the thread title.

We have plenty of threads where we discuss what the government should be doing (covid thread, stimulus thread, Trump thread, Biden thread, etc etc etc)


You just are not consistent with your principles.

This thread is not about making fun of you. It’s about showing you how inconsistent you are.

We have several threads that have serious discussions about how to fix a broken system.

We can do both, we can show you how inconsistent you are and have serious discussions in other threads.

You are the one creating a caricature in your mind.

Everything about your post are projections. It’s humorous.


This thread didn’t start out about me. In fact, the title was changed, and then changed back, and then made its own when I said leave it because I get a kick when everyone piles on one easy target out of righteous indignation

It most absolutely is. There isn’t a single productive post (including my own) ITT. It’s just about me marveling at (I guess old people?) blaming everyone but themselves for their failings and then trashing me because I used to be careless about not wearing a mask around others who weren’t wearing one

I don’t think I’m being inconsistent. If you see younger/healthy people walking around maskless, going to open gyms or bars, it’s because they’re not scared of getting covid. If you see older people doing the same, it’s because they’re dumber than the former group. But I still feel I have the stronger point that BOTH groups would be doing a much better job and we wouldn’t be near as bad as we are right now if it weren’t for the terrible messaging and actions of older people who are actually in control. Everything else has just been us talking passed each other every time you try and whatabout me because I didn’t used to wear a mask at the gym and was careless because I thought my actions were primarily affecting me and not others

Yes it did

You are the OP

Your derail was excised to this thread so that we could have more serious discussions in the covid thread. That should have been a hint to you that this isn’t our top priority, but rather a side show.

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I “liked” for a very precision touche insult on your part that even I can appreciate. Nevertheless, it didn’t have to get into a useless pissing match. I was ready to drop it many times and said as much many times, but people kept (and still are) responding with childish insults and I return the volleys

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