Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

This analogy is all wrong. A better driving analogy is that in a snowstorm on any icy road people drive slower than the posted speed limit because it is safer for them and others. Someone still racing along at 60 MPH is in the wrong, even though the government didn’t run out and pull down all the 60 MPH speed limit signs and replace them with 20 MPH signs. People need to self regulate their behavior in shared public spaces, its something we do all the time and you’re just pretending we don’t because you don’t want to adjust your behavior.


Hard to believe. There are no mask mandates in your state? What state is it?

I’ll agree that is a better analogy. The problem is, people are familiar in dealing with snowstorms and bad driving conditions. Not so much when it comes to pandemics caused by an invisible viruse

There are still quite a few states that do not yet have official mask mandates. These states may recommend or urge, but they are not mandated. Again, you all seem to live on the internet and devour news. Many of the dangerous activities covid presents are obvious to you. There are people who don’t spend their life online or reading news

Well if they recommend and urge that should be good enough for you no? What state do you live in?

Because not everyone there is quarantining and you’re potentially helping it spread to them.

No. I’m not. I’m not talking about THE problem. I’m taking about your problem. Your decision and how it reflects on you.

Yes. Of course. The speed limit on my street is 25 mph, but it’s a narrow street where two cars can’t pass at most points and we’re at a dead end next to a park. You’d be insane to drive down it at 25mph under typical conditions and you will definitely get blamed if you run over some kid.

Not everyone is.

If a freak snowstorm dumped a foot of snow in southern Florida, would you think that someone driving 70 MPH on Alligator Alley is behaving irresponsibly? Or do they also get a pass because of unfamiliarity?

I blame the dumb American public for electing that government.


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It’s just such a weird take to talk about how dangerous COVID-19 is, and how you wish that the government would ban indoor gyms, but that you simply cannot refrain from participating in the behavior that you so wish was banned because it isn’t banned.


I would as well, except the American public doesn’t elect politicians. Corporations and special interests do. Or do you disagree with that too?

Why do you think the general public understands science?

C’mon, really? You can SEE AND FEEL the dangers of driving under hazardous conditions such as a snowstorm. You can’t see a virus. Many of the people you’re blaming probably don’t even know anyone affected by it. At least not yet. That’s sure to change soon

That’s a lot of work to put into something that’s not even funny. I absolutely have the ability to laugh at myself. Try harder and I’ll give it a like

Yes, really.

What does this have to do with YOU self-regulating YOUR behavior?

I think part of the problem is people’s unfamiliarity with math. On the opposite side, most don’t understand the power of exponential growth. And on your side, I don’t think people realize that even though this virus is many times more deadly than the flu, it still has an overall low overall mortality rate that scares people on a personal level more than it should. The primary goal should be to protect the elderly and sick, not young people. But if you’re going to make young people stay home then you have to compensate them via some sort of cares act and stimulus

It’s hard to pinpoint how dumb cactus is, on the one hand he describes idiots and stupid people many times in this thread but on the other hand half of the things he mentions are descriptions of himself. Could be getting leveled by a weird troll but hard to tell


You’re going backwards. I’ve already conceded I under estimated the impact my actions were having. Now if you’re going to be one of those people who can’t let go of an already conceded point and are gonna try and use it to undermine my posts for years to come, then I guess we can no longer have any more dialogues

Oh yeah so much work typing a few words, clicking a couple buttons, copy/paste, and then clicking a couple more. Took maybe 45 seconds while you’re here typing stories doing mental gymnastics and trying to justify some kind of principled stance that makes no sense to anyone here.

Trust me. You’ve proven many times over that you’re not nearly smart enough to know when you’re getting trolled by me