Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Riiiiight. There’s not a single thing you do that couldn’t be done in a safer manner that would afford more protection to your community. You’re a 100% PERFECT human being! Must be nice

I would be fine with that. I’m also fine with curfews, etc. Cities and local municipalities have way more legal authority under the federal constitution than right wing Nazi’s think they have. But then, the government needs to get off their ass and provide stimulus to the people instead of giving it to corporations

If you want the government to send people with guns to prevent people from going to the gym it’s abhorrent for you to go imo.

I don’t even know what that’s even supposed to mean

Edit: It wouldn’t have taken much. Shut down for two months and allow for unemployment and provide stimulus checks instead of giving money to the airlines, banks, and other big corporations. Combine that with even a quasi rational president who advocated wearing masks and social distancing instead of making it a point of political pride not to and there’s no fucking way 3k people a day are dying from this right now

I may have grunched too much, but you were going to the gym and defending that right? I think it’s abhorrent for you to do something that you think the government should prevent people from doing.

What a silly argument to make. I’m not a health expert. Do you really expect (or even want) non experts to be making public health decisions? If it’s open, people are going to assume it’s okay to go. It’s just amazing the ease with which you’re willing to pass off blame and make everything the public’s fault. Fuck it. Let’s just get rid of all government and let people do whatever the fuck they want. What do we need mayors for, right? I’m sure you’d love a society like that being anti gun and all

I’m not anti-gun.

I don’t. I wasn’t talking about “people” in general, I was talking about you. And before you rant about whether I’m perfect or not, I’m not. I do what I think is reasonable. I don’t do every possible thing. But I sure as hell don’t want the government forcing people not to do things that I’m choosing to do.

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Is there an indoor mask guideline in your state? Here there is and gyms were not exempt.

You say you want the government to be more of an example but if your state does have one you ignored their example.

Cactus still waiting for the big government to order him around so he can do what he’s told like a good little boy?

I wonder if his brain will short circuit if they made it illegal for concealed carry, although tbf I’m guessing he’ll fold like a chair and listen to the big government because he was never serious about using his gun against tyrannical agents of the state.

I don’t want to rehash my involvement in this entire thread. I think you know the cliffs:

I knew right away this virus was gonna be a big deal not go away any time soon. I wasn’t worried about getting it myself. I didn’t want to get it, but if I did, I did. The world has seen terrible plagues and pandemics before

I also wasn’t worried about the safety of others who felt as I did

What I absolutely didn’t want, was to transmit and kill somebody’s grandmother due to my actions. Or anyone with an underlying condition who was trying to keep themselves safe as possible. To that end, I changed by attitude and behavior

I’d be willing to bet we think a lot alike in terms of wanting the government to stay the fuck out of people’s lives and not force us to do things one way or another. But the one thing I DO think government should do is serve the people! That’s really all I think government is for. Otherwise, what else should our tax dollars being going towards? There is nothing wrong with the government taking measures to protect its citizens from a global deadly pandemic. If that means curfews and/or shutting down businesses for a period of time, so be it. That is 100% constitutional

My point is, you can’t have a president, governors, and other politicians lying to the American people, not wearing masks or social distancing themselves, and pretending it’s no bid deal, allowing sporting events and other activities to go on as usual, and then blame the people for the fact that we’re gonna be living a scene out of a horror movie with over 500k dead, hospitals overloaded, nurses and doctors exhausted and emotionally drained from seeing war zone like death, the creation of death panels choosing who gets treated and who dies, and cadavers in refrigerated trucks because morgues are full, not to mention the economic devastation and hardship and ruin this will cause thousands of people. It’s just stupid imo, to blame individual actions and the public for it all.

I’m of the belief that the American public in general are dumb and amazingly ignorant about important topics such as science among other things. A scary percentage believe in invisible gods and don’t know it takes a year for the earth to orbit the sun. They NEED government to protect them from themselves. They need truth in lending laws so they don’t get ripped off by predatory banks or take on more debt than they can afford, etc. 70 million of them think a blazing idiot is the best president we’ve ever had. So if you’re going to let bars, gyms, restaurants be open, you can’t expect them not to go. And if you’re going to put sporting events on TV to jade them into a sense of normalcy, you can’t fault the large percentage who are going to downplay the seriousness of the virus accordingly

I’m also saying you can’t even fault the outright assholes who don’t give a shit about you, your grandmother, or anyone else’s health. You shouldn’t be blaming them for going to gyms and bars that are open due to greedy politicians who only care about the economy and their re-election chances and will vote down any financial assistance for people put out of work from a shutdown

You really have to put a lot of work into missing my point any more than this

I’m not arguing with most of what you said. I’m not agreeing necessarily, but I’m not talking about that.

Going to the gym is obviously going to put people who aren’t at the gym at risk. But whatever, if you think it shouldn’t be allowed, you shouldn’t do it. Simple as that. I didn’t say anything about apportioning blame for the pandemic.

I think Micros point is you are incredibly inconsistent with whatever principles you are trying to justify your worldviews with. Correct me if I’m wrong Micro.

The problem with this thread is you are not really comprehending with what people are telling you. Your replies misrepresent what most posters are trying to tell you.

Or you get really defensive and say things like “I guess you are perfect and never do anything wrong!”.

Well, I’m talking to him about personal liberty because I think he, in particular, would be receptive to that. But, I’m just saying what I think. There are probably some exceptions anyone can come up with, but in general I think it’s gross to do something selfish that you think is wrong on the one hand and want the government to force people not to do it on the other.

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I bet if you put your mind to it, you might come up with something more intellectual than a child posting silly pics. Use your words. You can do it!

If you go to a gym and quarantine otherwise, while wearing a mask everywhere else, why do you think it’s so obvious it puts others at risk?

You keep wanting to assert that the problem is not gyms being open, but the people who go there. If there were a 55mph sign in a residential area right next to a school, it might be common sense for you to slow down, but when someone gets killed are you really going to blame the drivers who were following the speed limit over the idiots in charge of what the speed limit should be?

I know people like @oneeyedtripping who substitute cartoons for thinking believe anyone who favors speed limits must be slaves to the government, but there has to be smarter people on here

Was there a sign for masks at the gym?

No. Obviously, if there was, everyone (including myself) would have worn one. There are STILL indoor restaurants open where I live that don’t require wearing a mask when dining in. I contend these places should not be open for dining in! Especially, now when the pandemic is at its worse and only figures to more worse

Edit: But I get that people here will want to blame the owners of these restaurants and the people who patronize them over the mayor who refuses to shut down because omg the economy! I don’t even blame the mayor because so far, there has been pathetically little financial help from the government. They’d rather bail out corporations than help those who lose their income and jobs