Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

None of us here are concerned with only death as the primary issue.

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We have no idea what the long term consequences are to young people

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Itā€™s a fucked up virus no doubt. I read somewhere between (I think) 30% and 80% are what they call ā€œlong haulersā€. Even if itā€™s towards the lower bounds thatā€™s gonna be millions and millions of Americans who will be impacted not only with their inflictions, but by medical bills, not being able to take care of their kids, not being able to perform their jobs, etc. As much as we donā€™t want to see anyone die, this could become a much bigger long term problem than even the deaths

That said, itā€™s a fucking virus. Humans have been battling viruses and plaques since we came out of the trees. This was my initial reaction to it and why I was (and perhaps still am) more stoic about it than most. What are you going to do? The world doesnā€™t stop. Life (for most) will go on. And very worst case, if this is ā€œtheā€ virus that causes the extinction of our species, Iā€™m sure other life forms will go on just fine. Itā€™s nature. As an atheist Iā€™m just grateful for my brief moment of consciousness in an uncaring and as far as I can tell, meaningless universe. We do the best that we can to help others and prevent suffering. But if I die, or have long term consequences from coronavirus it doesnā€™t really matter in the grand scheme of things. The earth will still be here for about another 4 billion years

My point is, and always has been, that we need to create a political structure and environment that takes care of and doesnā€™t abandon the sick, the poor, and the unable. This is a political forum. Itā€™s not a medical or advice forum. In fact, youā€™re a fool if you log on here to become medically informed about COVID-19

Says the guy who didnā€™t know he shouldnā€™t go to the gym.


Hey mod(s), why donā€™t we permanently close this thread? Thereā€™s nothing productive going on here. Iā€™ve said everything I hafta say. Nobodyā€™s changing my mind any further and Iā€™m not changing theirs

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We all think this. Why do you keep bringing it up?

Weā€™re supposed to agree that itā€™s the governmentā€™s job to force people to be Responsible, until the government comes up with a 100% perfect system no individual can be held responsible for their actions. So weā€™re all allowed to be assholes.


I for one, never said the government should force people to be responsible. I said the government and our officials should act and lead responsibly

You shouldnā€™t be an asshole on a personal level in a discussion forum. Express your opinion of why youā€™re right and someone else is wrong and when you hit an impasse, move on. Me and sky(something?) have some serious disagreements on the Democratic party strategy and politicians. I could easily make it personal and start trashing her. But I donā€™t. She knows my view on Buttigieg and moderates and I know hers. If she brings up something else I donā€™t agree with Iā€™ll chime in and she can respond, but Iā€™ll never make it personal. Thereā€™s no reason to be an asshole. If you see someone with their mask half off in a store or other public setting, thatā€™s when you should be an asshole and rip into them for being irresponsible. But Iā€™m willing to bet a lot of money most here would rather bash someone anonymously on an internet forum than face to face

Again, there is zero value to this thread at this point. Trust me, Iā€™m laughing just as hard at you guys as you are at me. I could easily round up a similar number of people who would side more with me on this. The problem is, they arenā€™t the type to spend their lives on some obscure internet forum

I was recently told by a poker buddy that UP was created as an offshoot echo chamber for the thick headed albeit sensitive souls who like to disrupt every political dialogue in order to bully, demean and shame those who strayed from their group talking points on 2p2. I can certainly see that. Thereā€™s no reason to continue this thread and honestly, thereā€™s no reason for me to participate in other threads on this forum. Iā€™m not here just to be agreed with or pile on those who see things differently than I do. On the contrary, I welcome the opportunity to challenge their viewpoints and they mine. I like to offer and debate ideas and strategy and Iā€™ll do so rigorously. But I have no interest in shaming, name calling, lolā€™ing, and posting silly cartoons with those who disagree with me. But then, Iā€™m just the stupid immature kid here



I wish we were that badass.

Because if the mods donā€™t tell you not to post in here you wonā€™t know to not post in here on your own


You misunderstand stoic philosophy.

Lulz. Which buddy might that be?

I am concerned you are not going to age into wisdom, Cactus. Legitimately concerned at this point.

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