Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread


The person of interest here is about average intelligence. Let that sink in, maybe have a drink or two.

Anyone who wants a more accurate explanation of my stance better than I can explain it myself, watch this guy and whole clip. This is what I mean by it’s the government stupid. Thanks

So your solution is to multiply the stupidity of our government with your own poor behavior? You aren’t some affected small business owner. You are someone who vilifies the people around you for the same behavior you yourself participate in.

We haven’t been shut down in most parts of the country for 6 months. These businesses are still suffering. Why is that? It’s because people can’t be bothered to wear a mask at the gym and the like. So the pandemic here is the worst in the world and getting worse all the time. Everyone here agrees that we should have had a wider shutdown and made everyone economically whole. Everyone here also agrees you should wear a mask at the gym. Stop acting like you are some victim when you are literally part of the problem. In a perfect world we wouldn’t need the government to tell us what to do, we only do because people can’t make common sense decisions and be bothered to care about other people in their community. Your takeaway from this video is completely backwards. Take some responsibility for your own actions.


lol how does him wanting to open his business because he is hurting financially compare to you going to the gym and grunting maskless?

You just don’t get it (and the biggest idiot ITT called me stupid? lmao). I don’t think you’re stupid at all, but why aren’t you grasping the simple fact that it’s the government’s fault that this pandemic is totally out of control in this country? Why do you insist on blaming ordinary citizens? Sure, I agree some are dumb, careless, selfish or whatever. And some are just too stupid to accept science. But you can’t just take out the small businesses like restaurants, gyms, hair salons, etc., and let them and their employees fend for themselves while giving all the money to the corporate establishment!

We didn’t have to be seeing almost 3k people dying and 200K+ new cases per day (and it’s only going to get worse). This never had to happen! And it’s not my fucking fault or some random who goes to a gym or bar. You’re misdirecting your criticism in the most egregious way possible. We could’ve shut almost everything down in the beginning and used the money that went to corporations for continued stimulus checks to the people. THAT’S why we’re at where we are now

I didn’t call you stupid. But sure I’m the biggest idiot ITT. Cool man. Also yes the current virus results are obviously the total sum of all the bad behavior out there. You are admittedly a part of that literally engaging in one of the biggest sources of spread daily for months. You also went to in person work after exposure. None of that is remotely debatable. You won’t do your part instead resorting to blaming the government which admittedly sucks.

We ALL grasp this. You are the one who has this really weird inability to grasp that in addition to hoping that the government does better, we also have to all do our part individually by not increasing risk for everyone else, regardless of the risks those people we interact with have accepted taking or not.

WHO DO YOU THINK PATRONIZES HIS ESTABLISHMENT?! Are you fucking kidding me with this stupid self righteous bullshit? Seriously… Tell me you’re joking and not that dumb

I’m sure 95% plus of this forum thinks the govt response has been terrible and has led to more death and suffering.

That has nothing to do with peoples criticism of your behavior.

Why did you get mad at your gf for not thinking about your job? Shouldn’t you just be mad at the govt?


Hopefully people wearing mask

I am clearly furious with our government. But you’re right. I guess I don’t call out the corporate politicians enough :roll_eyes:

calm down on the roid raging bro, go lift maskless some more

It’s the government’s fault that guns are out of control in this country, but I’m also going to blame the asshole who shoots someone.


Yeah, guess it irks me when someone makes an attempt at claiming the moral high ground by talking out of both sides of their mouth

Restaurants have had to shift to a model that relies solely on takeout. Sorry, it’s a global pandemic. As much as we should have personal responsibility, and the government should have responsibility to help these businesses, those businesses ALSO must have responsibility to not operate if their particular business is contributing to the spread of a global pandemic. Restaurants are THE WORST possible daily activity people can participate in right now (things like church with singing, concerts, and sporting events are worse overall but arent generally a daily thing.)

Does it suck that somebody who owns a restaurant is going to possibly fail if they dont switch to a full takeout model? Yes it does. It also sucks to have to stay mostly at home for nearly a year now. But it is what we have to do to slow down the pandemic.

The government isn’t taking care of that guy. Hes still being a selfish fucking asshole that is making people sick and possibly leading to people’s deaths. Him not following guidelines puts blood on his hands whether he likes it or not.


lol ok

Most of the flack you are getting stems from you stating you were frustrated with your GF when you have been participating in high risk activities too. No one to my knowledge has stated you are the #1 offender in the country.

We are just asking for some self reflection and awareness.


I agree with this even though I really understand where that guy is coming from. I don’t think he is a terrible person. Just someone choosing a worse option out of several bad options.

How do you propose they do this without going belly up and putting all their employees out of a job? Wouldn’t it have been so much better if the our government took that stimulus money and actually helped the people? Then these businesses could’ve shut down for at least a month, their employees could’ve still paid their rent and fed their families, and the pandemic wouldn’t be NEARLY as bad as it is now

Exactly. I dont think hes a bad person either. Hes fending for himself. But that’s the exact kind of thing we dont need during a pandemic. It affects us all without prejudice. Looking out for #1 will directly lead to us being USA #147

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