Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

Do you have a yard? You seem to like digging holes. Maybe you can do that as a workout.


And im arguing you have the ability to wear a mask well working out, others do, and chose not to.

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Your list on why the virus is bad is way off the mark, too. Itā€™s been pretty conclusively demonstrated that bars, restaurants, gyms, the Sturgis motorcycle rally, and small family gatherings are way ahead of most things on your list for contributing to the spread of the disease. We donā€™t have to rely on your opinion for these things. People have looked into it in sound ways.


So if a local restaurant, barbershop, or nail salon is open, is it better to not go and have those people out of work and possibly lose their cars, roofs over their heads, etc.? Or is it better to patronize their place of business? Which is worse according to you? Someone gets a virus that theyā€™re >97% likely to survive? Or entire families get thrown into the street and go hungry?

Its better if you wear a mask well working out.

Iā€™d love to see that list. Do you have a link? Because I canā€™t imagine colleges opening and many of the other things Iā€™ve cited arenā€™t a bigger factor than gyms and restaurants (although, I do understand that restaurants and gyms are among the riskiest activities you can engage in, but Iā€™m talking aggregate).

You can get takeout, outdoor service, or at least wear a mask for the entirety of your stay at any of those businesses.

What does that have to do with restaurants, barbershops, colleges, college football, pro sports, etc., remaining open? You just want to make sure you in to tell me to wear a mask (the .01% of the time I donā€™t), is that it?

And I do

In a democracy, government is at least somewhat responsive to the will of the people.

Cases arenā€™t blowing up because people are going to the gym. Cases are blowing up because we have a critical mass of people who want to do things like going to the gym that enables bad government.

The problem isnā€™t you. The problem is too many people like you. Not THE problem, but a problem.


No, you donā€™t. You admitted that you do not.

Gee, who might that be? I cant think of even one person who fits that description


Yes i want you to wear one when working out like many others do but you refuse to.

Iā€™ll agree with that to a point. But there are also many other unnecessary activities. Also, since when is the government responsive to the people? If that were true, M4A, forgiving student debt, and federal legalization of weed (to name just a few), would be a done deal by now

I said somewhat. Thereā€™s also a lot of inertia in government and we are not purely a democracy.

Yes, there are other unnecessary activities that may be allowed. Maybe we should restrict all of them, but restricting only some of them is still better than restricting none.

Oh also apologize to your girlfriend for getting pissed at her when you are doing similar risky behavior. If it helps you do these things pretend im a gov official.


Someone let their mask slip a bit when their #2 biggest culprit for Covid is ā€œsome large protestsā€. I wonder which ones they could be referring to.


This thread actually warms my heart, as even in these difficult times, we can all agree that a hypothetical person similar to the one in the title of the thread is literally the dumbest human being on the planet.

Lol at that list

We are always 60 days from crushing this, so lack of early shutdowns or protests etc arenā€™t the top causes

Itā€™s the open gyms and bars and indoor dining and people who wonā€™t wear masks 100% of the time in public, etc

The government being ran by Mitch is a huge cause as well because we canā€™t just be smart and give everyone 2k/month UBI during the pandemic.

Ok, so you are being honest and willingly trade thousands of lives per day for the economy.