Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

So even when the authorities aren’t fulfilling their duties, it is still possible for the individual to make good decisions for the community?




I guess you’re trying to say that I’m probably someone who plays scared because I wear a mask during an airborne pandemic. (And because I…don’t willingly get stacks in as the underdog like a fish?)

And yet you carry a gun everywhere you go to protect from a much more remote threat than that of covid. (I keep a gun in the house myself, but I find your behavior to be contradictory is all.)

Just now in the covid thread, someone mentioned a marathon runner who, months after getting it, still experiences narcolepsy + brain fog + fatigue. Then right after that someone mentioned their mid-30’s friend who can no longer walk. Cases like these aren’t reported in the death stats because they’re not deaths, but I’d damn sure rather wear a stupid mask than become wheelchair ridden.

But you’re a Probability whiz because you understand that 99% is a big percentage no matter how high the stakes compared to the reward. Carry on.

Before you leave, can you at least answer why you don’t wear a mask? I just don’t understand. Do you actually believe it would make you less tough or something?

The disingenuous bullshit from you people is literally Trumpian in its lies and insanity! Do you just read the lying trash responses to me, or have you ever read anything I actually wrote? I DO WEAR A MASK EVERYWHERE I GO! And I do it to protect others. Only time I don’t, is in the presence of others who aren’t wearing one

Your point about long term debilitating effects even on young people is well taken. But it doesn’t change the fact that it’s extremely rare and the overwhelming majority do not. Pandemic or no pandemic, the safest thing you can do is stay at home and not venture outside. As to carrying a firearm, that has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with seeing to it that I’m the last person some evil doer tries to harm. If you haven’t noticed I’m 100% in favor of protection. Even when it comes to masks!


From a self-preservation standpoint, isn’t that like carrying a gun around everyone except armed criminals? Or carrying a water canteen everywhere except the desert?


I take every precaution except when I go to Sturgis but an illness which the long term effects we know nothing about isn’t going to stop me from biking if everyone else is going.

I don’t think we know how rare long hauler symptoms are.

Are there even any studies on this?

Can somebody post the pee pants jpg again?

Not wearing a mask when others arent as well is the worst possible thing you can do

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Just because other more stupid things are occurring doesn’t mean you should continue doing something stupid fwiw.

Using the R word is another thing you might want to reassess.


People drive drunk on highways at 160 mph, shouldn’t worry about me driving drunk on highways at 120 mph.


I stabbed someone forty three times but they survived. Why aren’t you going after all the murderers? Checkmate libtards


Drive as fast as you can that way you are on the road less time. Less chance of getting caught.

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Or having an accident! Logic!

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You people are completely missing the point about why this virus continues to rage. It’s not because a few people go to the gym, or runners who don’t wear masks, or people who dine at restaurants (well restaurants being open certainly is, but diners are helping employees who would otherwise be out of work)

Focus your misdirected rage where it belongs. You don’t have to attend a college football game. You don’t even have to play football for that matter (as much as I love to watch it). There’s fucking bowling on TV now! You don’t have to take a 4 hour plane ride to see family for the holidays (they obviously aren’t being careful either)

If you’re elderly, obese, or have other high risk factors STAY AT HOME! It’s as simple as that. You people are faulting those who patronize gyms, restaurants, and businesses because they’re open and in the same breath accuse them of putting those workers who depend on that business being open at risk. It doesn’t get any dumber than that. Where’s YOUR government helping them?!

And how about talking about other ways to remain healthy by boosting your immune system by getting enough sleep, exercising, and taking vitamin D. Maybe putting down the bag of Doritos and going to the gym isn’t the worst thing you can do for yourself or community. If you or the government were serious about covid, airlines and many other types of businesses would be shut down

Workout at home dumbfuck

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Absolutely incredible how you continue to insist that the only entity that has any responsibility in the pandemic is the government, when you know full well that governments at all levels are vehemently, vocally, and openly opposed to doing anything about it.

Everyone can and should be doing everything they can.


Some employees were forced off of unemployment and the help they were getting when restaurants (and other things) reopened.

They should be closed down in hot spots but too many people like you cant workout from home and protest so here we are.

Also you can wear a mask when working out or running. Plenty of people do you just dont want to. Take some responsibly and own it.

That you think its that simple shows you have no clue. Half of America has underlying conditions. And probably another half of those who dont live with someone who does. Pretending just stay home is some easy answer is foolish.

Here is why the US in particular, is doing so bad with covid (in my opinion)

  1. Lack of early shutdown
  2. Several massive protests
  3. Election
  4. Holiday travel
  7. Outright disinformation by the government leading to science deniers
  8. Insufficient early testing and STILL insufficient tracing
  10. TRUMP RALLIES and other public gatherings
    (not necessarily in that order)

I refuse to succumb to the fear mongering ITT. Nor will I willingly oblige being talked down to by self righteous buffoons about my own health or what I should or should not be doing to protect those around me

This virus is serious. It’s bad. But it’s not like Ebola. I know at least a couple dozen people who have had it now. Three in their 70s (they all recovered and are fine). 1 person in his 80s (hospitalized and died). 1 person with a recent kidney transplant (hospitalized, recovered and fine). One cancer patient (hospitalized and fine). All the rest were <50 and younger healthy people who got it and survived. I spent two weeks in the same house and often same room with someone who had it and didn’t get it

Wear a mask when you’re around others who might be compromised. Social distance. Don’t travel unnecessarily, etc. There are always going to be irresponsible people who don’t give a fuck about others. But yeah… I blame the government and a useless president for not uniting the country, pressuring non essential businesses to shut down and not providing stimulus so non essential workers can stay home. To think that we’ve blown up to 175k cases per day because a few people go to the gym or run outdoors is just ludicrous to me.

I take pocketchads point to heart and realize we should protect ourselves so as not to take up hospital beds or medical resources. But the fact remains. Most healthy people survive it just fine. And that’s a good thing because unless GOVERNMENT starts forcing shutdowns again, it’s about to get much much worse before the year is out

Just wear a mask when working out its not hard. You can do it!

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I’m not arguing the usefulness of masks. I’m arguing that it’s a lifestyle change that EVERYONE needs to get on board with. And you can’t do that without government help