Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread

This thread is scary and cringey all in one.

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People that work at the gym are employees. They are likely there with little choice because they need to make money. You are putting them at risk

So Cactus endorses what most Americans have been doing - not worrying and going on with their lives. It’s worked out great. America is coming out of this way ahead of the snowflake pussy circle-jerkers in Australia or New Zealand because of their non-worrying attitudes. I know 15,000 people have killed themselves in my town in Aus because they couldn’t go to the gym or shooting range or whatever.


The latter.

The Aristocrats!


Framing it as one person’s emotions deciding how bad this is, is crazy. The virus doesn’t give a shit if you’re worried or not. That doesn’t matter one fucking bit. Its an insane way to view this.


And I wear a mask around them. I wore one checking in, leaving, and anytime someone else had one on. Are you suggesting it’s better for no one to go and just let them be out of jobs when the government won’t provide any stimulus or help?

This is a flat out fucking lie. Most don’t wear masks or take necessary precautions around others

I’ll admit you could be right about this. Even if someone who’s not worried about covid winds up in the hospital with a broken leg (or a worse case of covid than they thought), it takes away critical resources for those suffering severe symptoms of covid. I haven’t put enough proper thought into this aspect

And seriously… Mods please perma ban me from this hell hole of a fake progressive site. I have a hard time not responding to outright lies and/or stupid or intentional misleading statements of my position. I’d like to be done here

Like, I almost feel bad for cactus because he is framing his points in the same way most of American media has for months. But, that’s why 250k are dead. It didn’t have to be this way. It.doesnt have to be this way. It isn’t thought of in these terms anywhere else in the world.




This is spot on.

Au contraire, you are forbidden to leave.


Can we lock this up and stop giving this stupid as fuck narcissist exactly what he wants?


Boy, Cactus sure is a prickly fellow.


Are you familiar with EV and utility theory?

Is betting 34 numbers in single-zero Roulette a way to print money because you have a 92% chance of winning each spin?

If you get to bet on a 60/40 favorite for even money, do you bet your entire net worth?

Now, what’s the risk/reward ratio of going maskless to a gym? Presumably going to the gym gives you a slightly better workout than you can get at home. Being maskless equals a reward of what, avoiding infinitesimal discomfort?¹ And the potential downside of both of these things is DEATH. And if not death, potentially permanent organ/brain damage. And if neither of those, potentially a month or two being bedridden missing work. Possibly a hospital stay which your USA#1 insurance might not be very useful for.

If you think that’s overall +EV then you’re the kind of person I want at my poker tables.

¹ Seriously, I say this with zero toxic masculinity, how much of a wuss must one be if they can’t even handle a mask? Or if it’s that you’re too out of breath from doing bench presses or whatever, then guess what, you need to work on your cardio pronto (which you can do outdoors).


Ooh I love utility theory! The stuff I want has a utility of a zillion billion. The impact on others has a utility of zero. Now my selfishness is good policy! Hooray science!



I am

Maybe not my entire net worth, but a person my age should be wiling to bet a much higher percentage of it than someone in their mid 30s+ and it would be correct to do so because there is more time to recoup should they lose. Being dead broke at 53 is a far worse situation than being broke at 23 or 25

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Give me even a 51/49 edge and I’ll flip for stacks with you all day long. Doesn’t sound like you’d enjoy that

Now you can turn it around and make the case that I have more life left to lose or live with some permanent damage and I’d agree the cost of utility might be much higher for a younger person. Maybe that’s why I see so many old people without masks. I also know more old people willing to show up at home games than I do young people (I don’t play in them precisely because there are some old people there. If it were all young people, I’d play). Maybe they figure they’ve lived their lives and don’t give a fuck

I really don’t have anything left to say on this topic except that I’m the least of your fears when it comes to spreading covid (or at least not anywhere near your worst fear). You have people who refuse to wear masks period. Who think it’s all a hoax. Spending this much time trashing and using up all your hate on someone who DOES believe in mask wearing, is FOR shutdowns, DOES accept science, is a very stupid waste of time. Just because I’m not as scared of it as most here or go to a gym or bar when they’re open, doesn’t make me the irredeemable creature y’all love pretending I am because I exercise extreme caution to protect others (except I will now take @PocketChads point to heart and change my behavior accordingly) . There are much worse people than I to direct your anger at

Since the mods haven’t perma banned me yet, I will self ban from this thread and focus on some of the other out of control dumpster fires the world faces in other threads



I love how the American flag is now fully the symbol of racist morons to proudly fly as justification for their dumbass behavior. It really goes right along with our history both domestically and wrt foreign policy.