Everyone's out of step but me - Cactus's Covid Appreciation Thread


Which is more likely to be true:

-A 6 week lockdown that ended 6 months ago plus having to wear masks some places is causing a massive mental health crisis.


-Having a deadly pandemic raging for almost a year, killing over a quarter million with no end in sight while our government has no discernable plan to end it is causing a massive mental health crisis.

Itā€™s obviously the second. People arguing it is #1 are being totally disingenuous if for no other reason than if you controlled the virus we could get much closer to going back to normal. People arenā€™t going back to normal because the virus is raging, not because there are onerous government restrictions.


You keep bringing this up as if it strengthens your argument. It doesnā€™t. In fact, it weakens it quite a bit.

Because we have a vacuum of national leadership (and in many places, state and local leadership) on this issue, itā€™s even more incumbent upon all of us to make proper choices as individuals to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.


This is the libertarian gambit, though. By definition they assume all individual personal choices made selfishly are ā€œproperā€. Invisible hand, etc.

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Gjge America.

Come on guys, you havenā€™t written a letter to everyone being dumb so why keep telling dumb ol cactus how heā€™s being dumb. Chess and mate.


Cactus wonā€™t let something like facts and science get in his way. The deaths are tragic and we should all do our part* to limit them

*well except cactus he has to go lift bro


There are people who work in these places. Those people also go to the grocery store and pharmacy. The other people they see in the grocery store will, in turn, see more people.

There are also people on planes for more important reasons than going to fucking bar hop in New York.


Are you all ready to jump in an incinerator if this happens or will you put people at risk?

Eta: Fwiw Iā€™m completely in agreement for this line of argument for motorcycling or base jumping or going off into the wild naked and alone. A contagious disease is different unless you can truly insure you donā€™t transmit it even if you get sick. And Iā€™m not saying the line separating reasonable living from being wreckless is obvious, but there is such a thing here as wrecklessly endangering people for very poor reasons.

I think itā€™s been necessary to try to generate a fearful overreaction to compensate for failed federal leadership, but this may result in blowback if it makes it harder to move people in the right direction when we do have competent leadership.

Here, here. The mental health and utter economic chaos and turmoil people will be thrown into in the aftermath is far worse than the actual virus itself imo and should be our biggest concern after getting a vaccine out

No. Those are front line workers who imo should be receiving some sort of double time hazard pay. No one (definitely not me) ever said masks, distancing, and safety precautions shouldnā€™t be strictly followed in their presence

Thatā€™s kinda my point. Old people are more likely to die falling down too. So what percent in the 24-44 range actually die or suffer long term effects from covid? Of course, itā€™s going to be higher than normal, but itā€™s my understanding that itā€™s still actually quite low

Generalize much?

Btw, I 100% agree this is what shouldā€™ve been done

I agree. And Iā€™m one of the people who does just that. I wear my mask any time Iā€™m out in public or go into a local store. And thatā€™s why I say if I go to a gym or bar, I donā€™t feel Iā€™m endangering anyone but myself. I have zero extended contact with anyone whoā€™s old or compromised. I wear a mask at all other times. If I were to start feeling sick, Iā€™d stay home and quarantine. I DID stay home and quarantine when my gf had it. In my mind thatā€™s being responsible. Whatā€™s irresponsible is going to a bar, gym, or getting on a plane and blaming something else for getting it or giving it to someone else

I agree and just fail to see how Iā€™m being reckless. Iā€™m less reckless than 80% of the people I encounter every day. Many who donā€™t wear masks or have them down past their nose, etc. Or take them off once inside a store. I have a mask around my neck at all times and put it on any time thereā€™s a chance of coming across another person

  1. They are not frontline workers. They are forced to work because some assholes donā€˜t give a shit if they live or die.
  2. They are not getting hazard pay. They are still forced to work because some assholes donā€™t give a shit if they live or die.

Except when working out at a gym. Then, fuck those guysā€¦ gotta get SWOLLLLLLLL


You didnā€™t quarantine when you went into the office one day

Masks arenā€™t 100%

Wearing a mask into the supermarket after increasing your chance of being contagious at the gum DOES put others at riskā€¦I feel like this is the point you are constantly missing

Not just old dispensable people half of America has underlying conditionsā€¦

And everybody fully recovers from covid havenā€™t you heard? No long term damage to the lungs or other major organs or anything. The entire populace will be perfectly healthy when we look back on this in 5 or 10 years (or even less).

Isnā€™t it hilarious how absolutely 100% of people who have said ā€œthe economic impact of the virus is worse than the virus itselfā€ havenā€™t buried a loved one who suffered an agonizing end from COVID-19?

And by hilarious, I mean these hypothetical people can go fuck themselves.

You gotta explain this because Iā€™m literally too dumb to understand it. People are forced to travel and get groceries and supplies delivered, because people donā€™t give a shit if they live or die? How so? Or are you only talking about restaurant, barkeeps, and gym personnel? Then they forced to work because of those patronizing the establishments they work for?

You keep saying this, but itā€™s an incredibly simple concept that even a child could understand. If youā€™re not worried and others arenā€™t worried, then go to a gym if itā€™s open. If youā€™re worried or have someone else to worry about, then STAY THE FUCK HOME!

Haha libertarian who encourages government involvement. Nice try tho. GTFO with your dumbass BS

This is like the 10th time Iā€™ve repeated this. I was forced to go into work by my boss

I was more disappointed at my gf for not considering my job. I was angry at my boss for making me come in. I also it might be it might be informative because I wasnā€™t sure if anyone else had posted their real time experience living with covid. Obviously, that didnā€™t work out

I initially thought this entire forum was a good one that would have inciteful progressive discussions on it. But itā€™s just a bunch of disingenuous self righteous lying pricks who like to circle jerk into each otherā€™s mouths. Have fun with that and donā€™t forget to brush your teeth before kissing your mothers