Elon Musk: Dork MAGA



Well, I don’t really expect Dem elected officials to have a principled stance for helping immigrants or for freedom in general and I also expect them to do what they think will help them stay in power. The heart of the problem is that the average Democratic voter is more of a freedom hating asshole in 2024 than the average Republican voter was in 1986 - at least in this regard, but in others as well.

I could be wrong, but this at least feels illegal


Reagan wasn’t much of a friend to the LGBQT+ folks either.

‘Hello fellow sports fans’


I don’t find the Eagles/Steelers dual fandom to be that weird. They play in different conferences. You could be a Steelers fan that hates the Cowboys so that the Eagles might make sense as your NFC team. On the other hand, exactly 0 people are Penguin/Flyer fans.

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I found it weird that they would mention football teams he roots for as if that were relevant.

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It isn’t even weird, the mother fucker definitely is not rooting for any football teams.

He just happened to mention a couple of teams at some point and there you go.

I think anytime you go with “oh I just root for all the local teams!!” it brands you as just being totally disingenuous, like most likely you’re not a fan at all and can’t name a single player on either team. I mean even politicians have learned not to try to drop a statement like that because it comes off as performative and douchey.

Good point that the Cowboys are a common enemy. After further thought though, I’m still not sure if there is another team that would rustle both fan bases more.

If this is legit I will sign this bullshit because I want $47


So from what I can tell you get $47 for referring a registered voter, who then lists you as their referrer. As a forum we have an opportunity to do something funny and lucrative.


i just assumed it was because he went to the steelers game last night.

I am a cowboys fan and I hate the whole state of PA:

In order of contribution:

  1. Eagles
  2. Steelers
  3. Penn State
  4. Penn
  5. PA Dutch

Elon embracing the state might move him to top.


He tweeted “Go Steelers!” with video waving a terrible towel.

Assuming this is real and he’s talking about Trump, maybe the explanation is he looked around and decided “I have to face it, the shit is going to hit the fan. Even my Mars scam isn’t working any more. My least bad option is to Martingale all-in on Trump.”


Or it could be this




What did they do to get on your list?

Not enough hate for the Pens and the Flyers.