Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

Watters: Cruz … you’re going to have to open up some holes for Herschel


I know when I think offensive lineman, Cruz is the first name to pop in my head

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CO Sec State says CO-3 will likely have automatic recount

Interestingly she also says that all counties are holding on to some votes they have already counted. That’s to preserve privacy of latest votes, such as cured ballots and military absentee ballots.

WA 8 blue again is fantastic.


i am now on pins and needles for wa 3.

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Is there a simple scorecard of the key house races?



I don’t think CO-03 (Boebert) is happening. Hopefully some of the others are closer.

The only thing I can think of is if more democrats are able to cure ballots in time but yeah I think it’s less than 5% equity.

We’re probably now drawing to winning on the recount. Like someone stuffed a ballot box, or ran a bunch of ballots through a machine twice like a clown, or holy shit did anyone see that drop box in the corner? Did we run those? Something like that.

I could see us making up 500 here that way, but even that’s stretching it.

Edit: Just noticed this is the hopium thread so I have to add something positive. Let’s go with ummm Boebert sues to stop the counting of some set of ballots she thinks will hurt her but accidentally shoots herself in the foot.

I’d prefer her accidentally shooting herself in the head, but I’ll settle for a foot.


Cmon man. Just existing is punishment enough for her.

I have been huffing a lot of hopium courtesy of this thread, but I think as much as it would be great if she lost the seat, barely squeaking in will mean she is going to have all sorts of additional insecurity knowing she was so disliked she almost lost what should have been a cakewalk. Also the republican party is still stuck with her dragging the party down.

It’s nowhere near as good as if she lost the seat, but in this hopium-addled state I can see things to be happy about.


A potential thesis for the 2022 midterm is that the most positive thing (electorally speaking) that Dems have going for them is Republicans being crazy. So on that front, it could be a net positive for Boebert to win.


Yeah the nutter wing should really have their wings clipped the cycle. But then again I’ve thought that before and they just quadruple down and somehow come out on top.

yeah, on a macro level i hope it just helps amplify a party split between the out and out wackjobs led by trump, and those who see it as time to abandon trump and get behind DeSantis

There are a lot of people in the fuzzy middle who don’t like religious nutters telling them what to do. I think this is about abortion more than anything else.

Maybe abortion woke them up to listen to their non-normie friends who have been screaming about the GOP going off the rails since 2016.

So i just checked the current Senate results, and Arizona hasnt been called yet, despite Kelly being up >5% with 78% reporting? Are there that much rural/red counties left to count? Or mail-in ballots, which should favor Dems as well? :thinking:

Wasserman call is good enough for me.