Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread


Not sure about this account, hence hopium.


She has to be an absolute lock to get bounced in 24 after only winning by a few hundred votes


She probably wins in 2024 if a Republican wins the White House.

I feel like this great of a midterm servely drops the reds chances in 24.

too far out to project. think about all the things that happened between 2020 voting and now. it easily could have gone every which way.

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Congress matters less, but there’s a clear benefit to keeping election conspiracy theorists out of key offices in swing states.

I’m not really following the thought process here. Too many variables between now and 2024 to get to “absolute lock” territory.

I’d take Boebert at evens if she wins. If interested, once it’s called, hit me up and we can discuss terms.

I think inflation will drop in early 2023, unemployment will rise a little. Then as rates drop again the economy will roar throughout 2024 and thus the Dems will probably lose with a roaring economy just like in 2016 as Republicans switch from economy is bad to this roaring economy isn’t helping you.






How many more outstanding do we have?

I’m having a hard time imagining someone who went Lombardo/CCM, but apparently that was a thing. Why?

Noted 4 poster


This makes me a bit more worried that there’s now a huge lane for the Desantis “not as overtly racist as Trump” wing of the party to crush the 2024 election. I think the GOP sort of tolerated Trump because of his ability to deliver them victories, but this is now the 3rd election in a row that hasn’t really happened, that might be enough for them to finally distance themselves. I’d like to believe 2024 may happen in the middle of a GOP civil war but like what happened in the dem primary but my guess is that a clear front runner (Trump or Desantis) emerges and then the rest of the party aligns with that side as if they were there the whole time and voters DGAF.

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Yup. DeSantis is going to use dogwhistles such that guys like Domer will feel comfortable voting for him.


Trump absolutely never falls in line. He’s completely impervious to otherwise credible threats, the only way to keep him from nuking Desantis is ironically Merrick Garland putting him in jail.


I did not have domer saving democracy on my bingo card

After latest Maricopa drop, media calling az-senate for Kelly.

Hobbs wins latest batch 54-46 over Lake. I think that’s good, but not getting called soon.

EDIT: Hobbs up to 76c on PI


Yeah if the strategy is falling in line behind Trump then see 2020 and 2022. But Trump isn’t falling in line behind anyone, his ego can’t take it. Best thing for Republicans is for him to die, so it will probably happen. I think him going to jail might still keep a lot of his voters home unless desantis is willing to run on an “it’s a sham trial platform”

I still think DeSantis has a decent chance beating Trump in a primary. Someone ought to save this post in case he gets demolished.

Biggest liability for DeSantis is a complete lack of personality. He’s brilliant at doing stunts like busing migrants and he knows how to tap into rightwing grievances, but when I hear him talk he seems completely flat.

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