Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

yup. I’d have less if they gave me real numbers…argh.

This discuses the counting procedures. In person votes seem to be first, then vote by mail.

Hey every person I know that voted dem in California voted by mail

And yet we spoke to so many dems on the ground this last weekend who were going to drop theirs off in person. Mostly Latino voters, tbh. I think I had Joseph knocking on about 300 Latino doors (nice to have a spanish-speaking candidate) the last few days and none of them had voted yet.

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Yeah, in person and early vote by mail is counted day of, then later vote by mail and dropbox. CA seems to give the GOP an advantage in terms of election day results, which fades over time.

Yeah, I just want to try to predict final numbers.

I know our win # based on turnout projections, and the door isn’t closed yet. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

AZ-01 looking ok for now


I’ve met Jevin Hodge…he’s outstanding. I hope he holds on to oust Schweikert


Republicans are making big inroads nationally with Spanish-language radio. Dems are completely writing off the fastest growing voting bloc. The whole idea behind The Tragic Death was that demographic shifts would automatically help the Dems, but it’s looking like that isn’t the case and they are sleeping on a massive opportunity that Republicans are snatching up.



I plan on never voting in person in my entire life. In college and grad school, I voted absentee. When I lived in CA, I voted by mail by choice. Now in OR, I must vote by mail. I don’t plan on moving any time soon, and if I were to move, I don’t think I want to go anywhere that doesn’t let me vote by mail. It is absolutely hilarious to me that Republicans have convinced their voter base that having to go to one spot on one day and potentially standing in line is better than getting a ballot at home, filling it in whenever I want (perhaps a bit at a time over several days rather than all at once, whatever I fucking want) and then delivering it in any of a number of ways, whichever is most convenient for me. The party of FREEDOM (for themselves and not people they don’t like) doesn’t want to let their own voters vote freely.


Don’t get me wrong. I love voting by mail as much as the next bro, but when deciding whether to move somewhere, whether they allow vote by mail isn’t even the like the 10th tiebreaker. I’m don’t even think I could get arsed up to check.

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It’s not that it’s a deciding factor as much as it is that I know where I can vote by mail at my own whim, and those places are already at the top of the list. I guess the foil to my plan would be if one of my girls gets a job in a non-mail-voting state, and then I want to move to be more proximal to my grandkids in my retirement years.

Well it’s not too surprising that vote by mail is correlated with all the other things you might consider when making that decision.

When I read your original post I was imagining someone saying, “Well I would have moved there, but they don’t have vote by mail, so we decided to stay here”. That’s crazy talk.

All you have to do is instill your love of vote by mail in the little wookies. You’ve got about a decade. Better get at it.

Oh, it’s happening. They already live in a civilized state. I hope they’ll be as blessed as I am to never vote in person either.


Not sure about the rest of the CA experience - but in Redondo Beach it’s never taken me more than 10 minutes to vote in person. There’s always like 20 stations open.

Much easier than trying to make sure i have all the signatures and whatever else right for mail in. Too many scary instructions. And there’s something reassuring about seeing your ballot actually go into the box.

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I just woke up. Could somebody say at the moment the likelihood of the Dems having at least 50 in the Senate?

90-95 percent