Election 2022 Hopium Containment Thread

If Biden drops out early enough to make it a legitimate race I don’t think Kamala wins.

I don’t know if she has establishment backing against another establishment candidate, and we all saw her on the campaign trail in 2020 and have seen her performance as VP. If PI is still around then, I’ll maxbet short her if she’s the favorite early.

Also Whitmer has a lot of name recognition due to the kidnapping plot.

Shapiro is Jewish. Can USA#1 handle that in a Presidential or VP pick? (Maybe anti-semitism isn’t an appropriate topic in Hopium.)

That can’t be much more disqualifying than Harris being a black woman. Maybe it energizes the alt right a bit more than usual.


Who has a better shot here? It’s obviously low either way, but this is the hopium thread. Beto or Castro?

Or is our best chance to grit our teeth and run Cuellar? He’s pro gun, could win the RGV areas that have become lean-red, and his VORP in the Senate is legit whereas he’s a real piece of shit relative to his district in the House.

The backlash makes it a net positive for Dems the more they get riled up about it.

Biden isn’t dropping out unless he has a health issue. Incumbent advantage is way too strong.

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Nah. Dems are much better off if the incels are busy jacking off to anime instead of getting interested in elections.

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NV-Sen is looking pretty good if the NYT estimates for outstanding votes are anywhere close. The Washoe county vote seems like it’ll roughly cancel out the remaining outstanding red county votes, and a 29k net in Clark County is more than enough to bring it home.

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legal cannabis in mn fucking finally?


Welcome back, king!

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Draft kings et al. wrote Prop 27 and spent $160 million trying to pass it in CA and they got rekt 83/17, lol.


:+1: I’ve been very busy lately shoving hockey sticks up Doug Mastriano’s ass and trying to figure out what the fuck crudite is.

Apparently it’s an unpopular snack food in the swamps of New Jersey? Just eat a damn cheesesteak, NJ man.



Kornacki model says there’s still a chance

(pretty sure this isn’t HIS model, but w/e)

Look up like 5 posts.

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Does this mean gonna be mega close then if Washoe was slightly red also?


Sweet Summer Child just left my place. All the hopium is gone but it was a fantastic party. She assures me that WMNABF so I’m requesting a badge to this effect. Sweet Summer Child is rarely wrong.


Not sure. Non-partisan is a big chunk of that 18k.

Yeah the idea that Biden isn’t going to run after finding his groove a bit and having one of the best first-term midterms in recent memory seems laughable to me, unless he has health issues. In that case yeah they will need someone other than Harris, unfortunately I think they need to stick with inoffensive white men for now.

The Pennsylvania State House is up for grabs! Dems favored to take it, but it’s too close to call. They cannot take the state senate, but this would be a huge victory for Pennsylvania Dems. Like at the beginning of last night if you asked me my confidence level in Fetterman, I’d say like 45%. Flipping the State House would have been like 5-10%.