Drunk/High/Sober Venting Thread

Oh they’re coming

for us

Yaaaa well I just had a kid, and already feel awful about bringing him into such a shitty world. On top of that, my wife is black, so society would see my son as black as well, with all the baggage of that. Plus hey, we’re drawing live to overturning Loving v. Virginia; it was just 6 years before Roe, and we are going full white nationalist, so why not? After all, we’re committing white genocide

Good thing is my wife/son went to bed early tonight which leaves me to get high/drunk and wallow in existential despair while being able to pretend everything will be ok in the day. LOVE IT


Yeah, well let 'em come. My person’s with someone else, so fuck it.

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It’s total overreaction. I had a great fuckin day

sat in my work van in a cul de sac, waiting for my dispatchers to send me my next job. there was a basketball goal at the curb of one driveway. I asked the homeowners - black couple prolly in their late 40s/ early 50s - who were outside in the yard doing Halloween decorations if I could shoot around for a bit while I waited. She fed me the rock and I dunked that pill like Shaquille O’Neal!


I love you man. If it means anything I have enjoyed your posting even though our Bernie love blew up in our face. It does sound like you have at least a few things to be very thankful for which is awesome :)


You should seriously consider how to get your family out of this country. Wish you guys the best. I’m sorry we failed you.


You have a great opportunity in front of you. Be a good dad and make this world a good place for the one person at the center of your circle of concern.


first song i listened to was:

That is some rickroll shit or you guys are officially 3x more chill than me.

yeah the kid is incredible, like turns out all the bullshit that people say like “you dont know until you have a kid” that sounds like platitudes is all true. Literally brings me hope for the future, because you have to have some, and invest hopes and dreams etc. But the logical side of me is like “we are all fucked”


Fuck ya. I saw this guy yesterday. Most badass shit ever:


I’m only going to say this to hopefully let you know how good you have it. My wife and I couldn’t have kids. The world might be fucked but I am quite sure you are an awesome dad. We just have to hope our worst predictions are wrong I guess. I really don’t know what else to suggest these days "/.


That hit the spot.

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Don’t say nuthin, just listen. Got me a plan to break Tyson out of prison.

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I gotta work tomorrow, gonna miss the final round of the US Open.

think I might have to call in sick with Covid symptoms

Dry cough plus sloppy out of both ends should get the job done.

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If it makes you feel any better, I badly want kids but right now I’d be thrilled to have found someone to marry. I don’t think it’s going to happen for me at this point, in part because I’m not optimistic about my chances of surviving the next few years alive, healthy, free and not impoverished.

I don’t think I’m going to flee the country, I’m probably going to run for something in 2022 or 2024 or work for a campaign and suffer the fate awaiting all the dissidents who try to win rigged elections.

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I’m going to call in with a broken heart :us_outlying_islands:


jk this place blows

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Don’t be too hard on yourself. The covid shit isn’t permanent and you are mid 30s. I wouldn’t give up.