Drunk/High/Sober Venting Thread

Did the song change your life?

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Lol, no, not really. I did listen to it a lot for a while though.

Chutes Too Narrow is the best Shins album, but it seems a large majority of people have mostly experienced the songs from Oh, Inverted World that were on the Garden State soundtrack

Garden State is one of my favorites and the music is a large part of it.

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That’s a really tough call. I think I still go Oh Inverted World by a slight margin. Chutes Too Narrow is definitely underrated though.

Garden State was what got me into indie rock. I basically didn’t know it existed before that.

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I really hate 60Hz noise.

I like the songs on Chutes Too Narrow better on the whole and also like the throughline of a breakup that runs throughout the album.

It wasn’t that for me, but it was about that time. Maybe the year before. I think Ted Leo and the Pharmacists was my initial entry point. (Aside from a few bands I was previously fans of, like Wilco, and the combo of Strokes / White Stripes releases in 2001.)

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Such an incredible song.

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So I decided to just watch Garden State tonight because of this thread. Definitely some things that don’t age as well like all movies but damn still gets me in the feels every time. Partly because of the movie itself and partly because of how it brings out memories of some significant moments in my own life. It’s not a coincidence that my avatar for most of my time on 22 was an image of Natalie Portman from this movie.


What parts did you not think aged well out of curiosity? I just watched it again fairly recently and enjoyed it.

The main one that comes to mind is the discussion of his one starring role. Like it’s a minor issue and doesn’t taint the movie or anything.

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Noiseless velcro is a pretty genius idea still!

I forgot about the R word being used liberally around that part of the story.


Kinda random but I actually had a discussion about the use of this word recently with one of the college students I work with. Basically talking about how we can be offensive to someone without trying to be so it’s important to listen to others perspectives. This was the example I used was how commonplace this term used to be and for me personally it took someone saying, hey that’s kinda offensive, for me to stop using it.

Also showed how quickly things change as they were pretty surprised to hear how common that term used to be.


The R word is pretty gross. It was hammered into me by my mum not to use it or racist language from a very young age and I never have as it seemed like a really mean way to speak. Having said that my mum was also very anti swearing and I can be very blue with my language at times, so I guess I just picked and chose what lessons I’d learn :smile:


I don’t think I’ve watched Garden State since 2004 but I feel like I would be very suspicious of “Manic Pixie Dream Girl rescues Zach Braff from his ennui for no reason whatsoever” aspect.

Especially since he tried to make more or less the same movie a few years ago but about a 40-year-old with a wife and kids lol


He returns to a small town as the “famous” guy who has been in a movie. The girl who he meets is epileptic and weird. Why would them hooking up not make sense? He is rescuing her every bit as much as she is him imo. They are both in relatively dead end places in life prior and the relationship makes both of them feel alive.

I’ve been drinking a ton of boxed wine since my two week camping trip this summer. I originally did it because the bladders fit easily in my pack. Now I actually like it. The go tos are Black Box Red Blend and Bota Dry Rose.

I can’t tell if this is a good or bad development. I had been on a huge year long French wine kick before this so it’s a bit odd. It isn’t lost on me that I am lazy and just hitting the tap is way easier than opening two bottles a night. I also quit whenever I feel like it and never finish a bottle out of a sense of obligation because it won’t be the same the next day.

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I’m more suspicious now that he is dating Florence Pugh…

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