Drunk/High/Sober Venting Thread

What state are they in? There are deadlines and they’re coming up fast in some states.


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Texas has a registration deadline of Oct 5 in person or postmarked by Oct 5. California is October 19 online or postmarked by or election day in person, assuming you meant Los Angeles. Louisiana is October 5 in person or postmarked by, October 13 online.

In particular if they live in Texas please make sure they know, a recent poll had it at 48-48.

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Texas is probably going to decide the long term viability of Trumpism within the GOP.

Amazingly it could decide the course of the entire country going forward. Trumpism may just be accelerating that. I doubt anyone had Texas seriously in play in 2020, though Beto being within 5 in 2016 was a pretty huge uptick. A Purple Texas in 2020 and a blue Texas in 2024 is game over for republicans for any foreseeable future

Texas being purple this year doesn’t mean a lot, Trump is uniquely awful. The reason winning Texas matters is the psychological shock to the GOP of losing, though that’s still unlikely.

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Downballot wins in Texas might help un-fuck the horrendously gerrymandered districts they have there (which should create a feedback loop of more wins).

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I think regardless of his unique awfulness, Texas likely will have a tipping point where once the domino falls, it wont ever get back up again. Houston is shockingly still growing in a very blue way despite the hurricane threat on a yearly basis, and Austin isnt only one of the fastest growing cities in the country, it’s also one of the most liberal. Any major city that is attempting to mirror silicon valley or Seattle or Austin now has the potential to tip over states that may once have leaned red. I can see Tennessee going purple in the next 12 years if Nashville and Chattanooga continue to strive to be major tech hubs

Is Texas an attractive place to move to?

I have about 1 beer/year, so I guess I’ll be in the sober-and-miserable club as well.

Not in general, no. The weather is awful, you have to worry about hurricanes if you move near the coast. They have bug problems, etc. And the whole state is still deep in evangelical denialism.

That being said… Austin seems like a generally awesome city.

Austin is awesome, and I like Houston a lot. I’ve never spent much time elsewhere. I’ve heard bad things about Dallas.

I live between Dallas and Ft. Worth. It’s a deplorable sanctuary. Not nice to live here at all. While I hope TX is going purple, it doesn’t seem that way to me. GOP is well entrenched here, at all levels. I am moving as soon as my daughter graduates in ~2 years.

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I’m drunk and I would like to vent


lets have it

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Trump stinks


wow, why dont you tell us how you really feel?


Bringing the fire tonight.


I had a dream last night where I was back home like I was in my early 20s driving around at night with all sorts of options about what to do. I decided to go play poker first but then chose not to, I had to take a piss so I stopped off at the elementary school I attended, because, I don’t know, its a fucking dream. I got out of my car and started walking to the building that would be unlocked to go to the bathroom in but I hit my head quite hard on a sign. At that point I started running only to hit my head again, this time much harder, on another sign. The dream ended with me having almost no vision and knowing I must be severely concussed.

Took a bit of time upon waking up to recognize my brain was ok.

This year has completely fucked me, and that its fucked pretty much everyone else too is of sadly little solace.