Drunk/High/Sober Venting Thread

I gave up on philosophy when I figured out it wasn’t going to help me with the ladies. Sadly, that was long after college and also long enough ago I don’t remember much.

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It helps with the ladies, just less attractive ones.


That’s a tough one. I tend to think that abstractions and ideal forms do not in fact exist in any material sense, but it’s up in the air whether something not existing in any material sense means it does not exist in any MEANINGFUL sense.

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Depends on what you find attractive. Staying up till three AM arguing “what are numbers anyway” would have me considering marriage.


You Meinongian slut

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Who in death finally discovered whether the Graz was greener on the other side.

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It’s always seemed strange to me that mathematicians like Roger Penrose take Platonism seriously. These kinds of questions seem to me to come about from our own mental and physical limitations and aren’t really about the world. Less silly than asking how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but I’m not sure how much less.

Yes exactly. To fancy them among conversation is different than to gift me one for Xmas.

You’re still talking about numbers not women, right?



Lol man I love both of them in that Movie, just watched it a few days ago, love when Baldwin grabs the camera guy and punches hin


Found a Squatters IPA at the back of the fridge.

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It’s got so many good jokes.

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Half way through my new favourite thread on UP (how have I only just discovered it?) whilst doing my civic duty taxiing two aged neighbours to vote. Voting is obligatory in Uruguay#1…accept for us illegals.

They’ve been in line an hour now, current estimate: one hour to go.

Eta updates on queue status to follow!


Zara, while you’re correct about the registration process here, thankfully that’s something that TONS of organizations (including campaigns themselves) will help walk would-be voters through.

Holy shit. If you ever want to have a single iota of faith in your neighbors, never ever read a Nextdoor thread about homelessness. I am surrounded by monstrous people.


Students… Its not there fault, I know, after all they do have to eat food from MY FUCKING TESCO, so I asked the manager to kindly ask them to wear masks or to ask the police to to come by and make a point, but no…

Thousands of them, fuckers go home, get to… All year I put up with your shite, your troubles, your bags, your midnight flits, your midnight runs to the dial a bar and even take you to the hospital when no-one would ever.

Yeah yeah, I know it’s our government but yu guys are supposed to be our future, start acting like it and wear a fucking mask when in MY TESCO, BASTARDS.

Yep. This is a really ugly side to a public policy and culture that encourages people to get leveraged like crazy to buy a home. Having your entire economic status AND emotional self perception tied to the value of your primary home will make people absolute monsters. Homeless people are a threat to your property value so fuck em. Not to mention black people, people thay don’t paint their house the right color, etc etc.

One person’s entire post was “Those people are going to drive down the value of our homes. They need to be rounded up and driven away.”

As if they are fucking cattle. It’s so gross.

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Oh of course. I didn’t meant to imply that everyone is aware that registration is mandatory. Just that there are get out the vote efforts that handle registration for voters. The USA leaves A LOT to be desired when it comes to voting, no doubt.

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