Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

It also doesn’t mean fucking anything. There are different censorship laws in nearly every country!

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That’s the ideal case for me. EVs succeed, Tesla fails, and SpaceX crashed.

At this point EV adoption is happening, but it is fair to say that without Tesla – particularly in the US – we wouldn’t be at this point in the curve, but somewhere lower. None of that contradicts Musk being a net-negative for the world or Tesla being overvalued.

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What would be considered the bare minimum legal amount of moderation for a platform like twitter?

My guess would be not zero, but very close to zero.

This is pretty much not possible in our lifetime.

Whatever let’s us call Elon Musk a “pedo guy”.

I’d bet on EVs dominating new car sales within my lifetime.

By “free speech”, I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect. Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.

Translation: Twitter will censor whatever China asks us to. For freedom!

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Of course, but Tesla won’t vanish if that happens in the near future. They’re building busses, buying train tracks, looking to build public transit here and on fucking Mars. They have a huge edge and aren’t expected to fail while someone else just takes over the space.

oh my bad, for some reason I thought you meant EV adoption. I misread your comment.

The dissonance of a society retro villainizing Ford while also using an absolutely needless service like Amazon is hard for me to accept.

You think that’s what I am doing? Elon has been a career dumbass man. The people in this very forum carrying water for him 1-3 years ago were morons. But hey SPACE EX AMIRITE!!!

1-3 years ago I was cured, but if you go back 8-10 years ago I was stanning for Elon pretty hard on 2p2. Pretty embarrassing.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ukraine LC Debates and Arguments

People want someone magic to come and save the world for them in a way that won’t overly inconvenience them. Elon sells that exact sauce. We can be epic bacon memers and stop climate change and go to mars all at the same time? And all I have to do is buy a fast car? (or dream of buying a car and talk about it endlessly)

The libs tried to turn Greta Thunberg into that until she had to keep explaining to them over and over that she is a child who has no power and it’s actually their job to try and fix things after which she seems to has vanished off the face of the news.



What is so great about them? I get really strong DeLorean vibes.

I don’t really see that as a good thing? How many cars does Lexus make per year? They’ve been the most reliable brand every year in a row, are pretty fun to drive, and cost about the same or less. What am I missing by not buying a Tesla instead?

If you want to argue about who was right about Musk fine, but let’s not use this thread to rehash old gripes about other unrelated topics.

Well, for one thing, the process of buying one is incredibly simple, intuitive, modern, and in line with what people have become used to when they buy other things.

None of that dealership bullshit. Just hop online, make an account and order your car.

Like most things that cause a sea change in technology, using one is also an intuitive and relatively user-friendly experience. Compare it to when apple introduced the iphone. Yes, the experience of using it was a jump from the standard cellphone tech, but it was also very easy, and now smartphones are ubiquitous.

In the end, it’s just another car. If you like Lexus, buy one of those. Me trying to convince you that Teslas are better is like trying to convince you that any other car brand is better. :woman_shrugging: