Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


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looks like botfarm activities than normal stats, but of course yesterday was an outlier day by almost all measures. i’m sure the new douchebag owner is going to do a full investigation

That’s not how it happened.

UN said it needed 6 billion to feed starving people for one year. If that amount of money could solve world hunger it would have been done a long time ago.


$6 billion a year is nothing

The us military budget is 100+ times that amount

Dunking on Tesla or Spacex takes because musk bought Twitter is dumb.

In October 2021, David Beasley, the director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme (WFP), told CNN that it would only take “$6 billion to help 42 million people that are literally going to die,” and that billionaires need to “step up now, on a one-time basis.” When CNN published Beasley’s comments, the site noted that $6 billion only represented about 2% of Musk’s wealth.

A small group of ultra-wealthy individuals could help solve world hunger with just a fraction of their net worth, says the director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme.

Billionaires need to “step up now, on a one-time basis”, said David Beasley in an interview on CNN’s Connect the World with Becky Anderson that aired Tuesday — citing specifically the world’s two richest men, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

“$6 billion to help 42 million people that are literally going to die if we don’t reach them. It’s not complicated,” he added.

I think Twitter is going to get massive until it either falls apart or the world ends. One thing for sure is elon isn’t going to do much of anything there.

Don’t see why one has to believe because he is a douche his car company is terrible too. It’s possible they are both true but not a given. The former is obvious. The latter I’m not convinced on.

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I unabashedly love my Tesla car.

I unabashedly hate Elon Musk.

These things are not mutually exclusive.

I know people here love to deal in absolutes, but the real world is not that way.


Are you trying to take a W for saying Tesla was a scam when it was valued at $150bn?

You really couldn’t vindicate the argument in those posts more thoroughly if you tried.

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As weird as it is to say his popularizing ZEVs could be viewed as pivotal to global survival if we somehow one outer our way out of a global climate catastrophe.

Well, before his obvious mental health nosedive, this was indeed his stated goal.

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Not a popular opinion but I do wonder if some of the brutality involved with the Amazon process is just the price that has to be paid to get to carbon neutral.

Musk is in a similar position.

Was Henry Ford a net positive for society?

I unabashedly agree with both of these statements. I actually find it hilarious when people hate on Teslas or EVs in general. They almost always are coming from either a place of ignorance or a place of jealousy.

and they all probably drive a tesla

No, and neither is Elon Musk. We need to stop giving rich, powerful people credit for work they didn’t do


I want Tesla to fail because pwning Elon Musk is more important than saving the planet.

This is a bit like the Friedman two step of “a business’s only responsibility is to the shareholders while following the law, if people want a business to have responsibilities to the environment, employees, etc they should pass a law”

(but also society shouldn’t pass a law)

It’s just passing the buck.


EVs can take over the car market and Tesla can still fail.