Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

No worship here, but being back in the States for the first time in years, and the Midwest no less, I was shocked at the number of Teslas I see out on the road.

Because the Republicans lost the presidency, the house and the senate the last time he ran?

Nice little five months’ payday for Parag.

My former flatmate fucking loves this guy. Dude could Jonestown a few million plus people if he wanted easily.

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They are exploding in popularity because they are shockingly good cars and anybody who gets in one wants to buy one. I get and support the Elon hate and absolutely don’t understand the worship, but attacking him for not producing is a bit misguided. Tesla produced 1 million cars last year and is set to double that this year. Not many new car companies have been able to do that in their first decade over the past 100 years.


Jeez. He didn’t want Tesla to buy twitter, he wanted to buy it. Those are not the same. Why Matty with the Ignorance.

LOL based on Tesla stock price today and published advance rate Elon now has to come up with another $1 billion plus to close lolololol

Edit: this seems reasonably likely to happen at some point?

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You’re really overestimating their rationality versus the liberal implulse to have 2 or 3 cartoon villains at a time rather than seeing their curated villains are just like every other billionaire and CEO


Because trump is the only one capable of losing.

is that even true?

Something weird going on. This is a thread.

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Tesla cars are overpriced garbage? And not even remotely close to the best electric/hybrid car you could get for the same money?

I feel the same way about crypto.

Not going to name names but lets not forget all the people in the Elon thread(s) here who were slurping him within the last 3 years. Those people are still here posting but seem to have zero awareness that they were catastrophically wrong.

some of us been skeptical of this musk guy for longer than that! Others around here, not so much.

I remember calling Musk a scame piece of shit a couple years ago to a few posters here myself. It was laughed off at the time.

ETA you dont even need to get out of the first 25 posts!



Obviously want Space X to succeed because space travel is neat but colonizing Mars as a business venture? Seems impossible to work, and absolutely nightmarish if it does work. Like who’s going to pay half a million dollars to go die on Mars? Hilarious anyone thought it was anything but marketing for his rocket and satellite business idea.

Remember when he called a guy saving kids in a mine a pedophile because said guy correctly rejected Elon’s claim he had super submarines?

Or the time he said he would “solve world hunger” and the UN said ok cool here’s a plan for $6 billion and he said butnahhhh?

Or the times he had kids he never interacts with (like 9 times and counting)?

This guy is such a massive tool.


That’s the message 18 House Republicans, led by Judiciary Committee ranking member Jim Jordan (R-OH), sent on Friday with a letter demanding Twitter’s board of directors preserve all records related to the bid by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk to purchase the company. The right’s propagandists had celebrated Musk’s bid as a way to garner political gain by ending the company’s purported political censorship. Then its elected GOP champions, responding to hesitation from Twitter’s board, raised the prospect of a costly congressional investigation if his offer wasn’t accepted.