Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

In all seriousness. What the fuck is wrong with Jack Dorsey?

the fact that the worst people in the world love this it makes me concerned


How can people actually still be making “Trump running is good for democrats” arguments in 2022?!?!?!?!

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Perhaps. But right now the main reason they love it is to own the libs, not because they know exactly what the end-result is for Twitter.

I don’t know about “good for Democrats”, but I think a full-on Trump/DeSantis brawl is likely a good thing.

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Maybe for the Dems, but maybe not for society? Doesn’t that turn into each candidate trying to drag more people to the far right?

I think this upcoming presidential election, the right choice may be to sit it out. No one showing up to support the old Dem party is starting to feel like the only way to force change. Because electing them doesn’t seem to work.


Ha, I was thinking the opposite - not good for the dems, but maybe good for society because I think Trump destroys DeSantis, an actually competent fascist.


Counterpoint: Trump and DeSantis go full cage match trying to out-fascist/out-bigot each other while 40% of the country breathlessly works themselves into a masturbatory frenzy, with the winner curbstomping senile grandpa Joe and having a whole slew of white nationalist checks they will be eager to cash.

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I think this is inevitable, and think that Trump and DeSantis fighting each other is preferable to one of them getting fully behind the other.


Nazi Florida boy will be orange nazis running mate.

Do you think eDems will move right or left if they get their ass kicked by DeSantis / Trump?

Joe may not be perfect but his presidency would be a lot more appealing if he had 52 or 53 Democrat Senators instead of 50.

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I think this probably could be its own thread, and probably closer to the election.

As bad as Trump was…

  • He is a loser who already lost to Joe. In his last election I believe he turned out more people to vote against him than to vote for him
  • He is incompetent.
  • There are others who are equally bad, equally ambitious, and more competent who learned from watching his 4 years

So I think there are worse outcomes than Trump winning and I think Democrats will lose to one of those in the event that Trump doesn’t jump into the fray and ruin the Republicans’ chances with his combination of ego and incompetence.

Remember when Musk claimed he had secured funding from the Saudis to take Tesla private?

Good times

you’re right, I’ll quit now

Trump is a demented old man in horrible health, nonzero chance he’s just not up to it in 2 years.

it’s nonzero just based on his age, but he’s not in terrible health by any means.

Wait, why is TWTR down 1.76%, ie only trading at $50.79 right now?

The market is saying there’s still as high of a chance of the deal falling through as before yesterday’s announcement?

Where have I heard this line before? :upside_down_face: