Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

He does a better job getting rid of the bots/troll farms than the current regime.


Built in voice tweet in all teslas? (And spaceships) (and tunnels)

People take less stock in what happens on social media and stop with the horrific online virtue signalling fest and actually set out to improve the world one tiny bit. Super ambitious and won’t happen ofc. Waaf etc etc



Twitter’s mostly young and liberal user base flees to Unstuck Politics making us one of the most popular sites in the world.


Elon and Jack gonna pump crypto to a million

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So weird to me people worship this guy. “Tesla roadster” and the “Tesla cyber truck.” Have any of those ever been delivered? People were also lining up to buy a small propane canister attached to a roofing torch. Now they are all stoked he bought Twitter. I don’t understand.

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lol wtf

its happening.gif

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why would he do that though?

this is very kendall roy. he’d be more believable if he went and tried to start up another social media.

Yeah, my guess is that Elon has some kind of crypto angle to this shit.

Will the new tweet character limit be
  • 69
  • 420

0 voters



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Good one. :joy:

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Tell me you don’t understand finance without telling me you don’t understand finance


Am I the only one who thinks Donnie getting back on Twitter might be a good thing because his ego won’t allow someone else like DeSantis to be the alpha in the Republican party? I know this is the mistake Dems made in 2016, but Donnie’s negatives were not the same then.

I think the best outcome for Democrats is Donnie decides to run again. He finds a way to knock down the Republican contenders (e.g. Pence, DeSantis, whoever else) and win the nomination. His negatives drive turnout among Democrats and suppress turnout among “swing voter” Republicans in a way those other guys won’t and we get four more years of Biden plus a slightly better outcome in congressional elections due to down ballot impact.

I think this is actually the easiest path to Biden victory and it all starts with Donnie getting his mic back.


The best possible outcome for democrats, if everything goes absolutely perfectly, is four more years of Joe Biden. Let that sink in for a moment.