Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I think you may be underestimating the amount of musk fanboys out there + all the other shit that will flock there. If he’s capable of bringing in a group of folks that can wipe up all the mess and keep things quasi in order, he could amase quite an audience and a good portion of folks on the left who can’t cut the addiction and continue to post for w/e reason.

Wait, are people taking Yggy seriously now?

I take Yiggy more seriously than just about anyone. For my money, he’s the best commentator on current affairs.

Do you ever read 4chan?

I’m not underestimating the amount of shit but you’re right I might underestimate the # of people who will actually read it

I like you, but this take is crazysauce.

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Maybe, but history as well as my time lurking here has helped solidify my opinion me that people aren’t just going to turn off twitter cold turkey but instead stay or get more interested as twitter just gets more massive with more players involved.

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Starlink gonna require a tweet account.

Cry me a fucking river. These people would not go hungry if they quit and found another job. Acting like victims while they sell themselves to the highest bidder doing whatever soulless task gets them the most money. Go talk to someone who genuinely has no choice about working a shit job for no money. Not a bunch of ghouls who make six figures to do worthless garbage all day.


Simp’s take is right imo. While his tweets kept him in the news etc the worst of them (“go back to your own country”) galvanized the left. No way Joe fucking Biden gets the most votes ever if he wasn’t the most hated person in america via horrible tweets.

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Right. Trump with handlers who can explain away his awful statements as a joke or just things he says “You know how he is…” has way fewer self inflicted wounds than Tweeting Trump.

So much for free speech!!! I’m being cancelled wahhh


There’s approximately a 0% chance they do Free Speech, but I’d really love to see them try. It’d be the fastest burning of $44M you’ve ever seen.


Simp with the full on Baghdad Bob routine was not on my bingo card.

Can anyone name a single possible positive outcome of Musk owning twitter?

He runs it into the ground and has to chew his arm off to sell in a few years.


Twitter gets burned to the ground


The site will be HIV positive.