Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

that is not how private companies work.

Will Elon let me use Twitter as a platform to support white genocide?

As shitty as Twitter is, they at least eventually got around to booting Trump out. Elon is going to roll out the carpet for him and other Nazi dickheads.

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trump has his own now, so he won’t be back until after he finally gives up on that

so like next week

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Still waiting for his follow-up Truths.

yeah, plus one to thinking elon is going to mess with a lot of things that work at twotter, and bring in a ton of bullshit. not that i have any personal experience working at paypal or trsla or spacex, but this feels like the approximate point in the timeline where howard hughes goes crazy

Shats fired.

Let them fight dot gif

So Trump being back on Twitter soon is no big deal and conspiracy theorists not being censored is no big deal and right wing calls to overthrow democracy or violence not being censored is no big deal?

If it’s couched in #420humor he probably will!

Yeah, occasionally I accidentally switch into home view rather than reverse chronological. It’s a nightmare. Elon should just fire everyone who’s working on the recommended tweets algo. There’s your debt service taken care of!

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Flat earthers can be a pretty entertaining group if taken in moderation.

In the far dystopian future of 2022 the only political agency you have is which gross billionaire you pathetically stan for as they throw tantrum after tantrum. It really is back to feudal times, my king is cooler than your king. Sure, he’s got a deformed face from inbreeding, and sure he’d send 70% of us off to die for the sake of a few square miles of sodden turf (or martian topsoil I guess) that he’d then force us to farm for him but I would die for that man for some reason. My king says your king loves china. The bad country.


As Yglesias and others have pointed out, being on Twitter likely did Trump and the GOP more harm than Trump not being on Twitter.

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I really wish trump had deeply invested in his twitter clone rather than the obvious rip and run because then he might have ego identified with it and he’d fight musk. Deranged trump fans vs deranged musk fans could be very interesting especially as they are often the same person, it might tear a lot of brains in half.

unfortunately musk can easily reply with something about saudi/MBS influence. hacking jeff’s phone and killing his employees with impunity.

More importantly, anyone being on twitter has done more harm to themselves than not being on twitter.

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Jesus Christ. You can’t be serious? Worlds biggest face palm.

This is for sure a top ten worst ever take on UP.

Seems true. Twitter is the least friendly nonprint media venue for Trump outside of MSNBC. Trump being off Twitter did basically zero to limit his influence, it was about limiting the embarrassment to Twitter’s brand.

I figure people will leave and it gets run into the ground

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