Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

needless service?

So if TSLA drops 20% he may get a margin call based on the second tweet in the thread lol… It’s already down 26% ytd. If it hits ~$700 that would do it.

Good thing stonks only go up!

I’m sure Elon’s quaking in his boots at the prospect of having to pay $1 billion more than he originally planned.

That’s like me reaching into my pants pockets and pulling out another hundred.

Is that all it would be? I thought he’d have to sell a lot of the TSLA stock he leveraged if he got called.

Everything @skydiver8 said. The buying process which is a vast improvementover deals hips and salesmen, the driving experience, the tech, the OTA updates, the sound system (its ridiculously good), the charging network if you plan to road trip, the fact that you wake up every day with a full “tank” (all EVs share this benefit), the instant acceleration at any speed, etc.

As for your other question, I didn’t say it was a good thing or compare production numbers to other manufacturers. I was responding to a statement that his companies don’t produce or meet goals, which is clearly not the case for Tesla. Fwiw looks like Lexus makes around 800k cars a year from what I can find.

If you really are curious what the hype is all about, go online and schedule a test drive. You won’t be pressured by a salesperson because they don’t exist. You show up, drive the car on your own, return it, and leave.

The sales process is so obviously the future. In 20 years kids will be like “wtf is a car salesman” “why did you need some guy to tell you about a car? Didn’t the internet exist?”

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Saw a post from a friend recently that was like “after 5 hours at the dealership I left with my new baby and got a good deal”. Sounds absolutely miserable, not to mention that all the dealerships now add bullshit markups of 5-10k to the sales price.

Fuck, I had avocado toast this morning.


Guess you can’t buy Facebook.


Tell me you don’t understand even the basics of the first amendment without telling me you don’t understand the basics of the first amendment.

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If Musk wants his company’s allowed speech for users to to mirror the standard set by the first amendment that doesn’t seem to misunderstand the first amendment. He’s not saying that other companies can’t implement other standards, and if people want to post on another site with more censorship they can start their own social media company.

He (and I guess maybe you) doesn’t understand the first amendment has absolutely positively nothing to do with what a company allows to be said. It constrains only government.

The fuck are you talking about? Of course I understand that. First Amendment law lays out what the government can and cannot do to restrict speech. So obviously a private company can voluntarily use the same standards to restrict speech as First Amendment law does. Which is what Musk seems to be saying.

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I like Teslas and SpaceX and think Elon is a freak and a very weird dude. Know that isn’t allowed but I can’t fight this feeling anymore.


You guys know that I am a noob but just saying that I remember back in the day people in BFI and elsewhere saying Amazon is a retail stock, why aren’t they priced at the same PE as Walmart/Target? Same story now with Tesla?

I know some people are like that with gun control but I’m still confident that the majority of folks want to prevent earth from becoming Venus here shortly.

Musk claims to be a free speech absolutist, but a true free speech absolutist would tell the people to fuck off if they ask government for laws leading to less free speech.

Could Tesla morph into something we can’t imagine, like how no one could have imagined a cloud provider in 1999? Sure.

But Elon seems to like to spin those ideas off as separate companies. And literally every other previously high-flying stock had a future fantasy growth story like that. Amazon is one of the only ones that ever actually delivered.

For every Amazon there are 1000s of Dells, AOLs, Broadcoms, JDSUs, Worldcoms, Quibis, etc.