Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Person of the Year

I’d ask which one you were referring to but they both won it so it doesn’t matter.


Trudeau really sets off the fragile male ego guys, they can’t stand that their girlfriends/wives etc. are attracted to Trudeau.


Tesla’s Top PR Person: Mr. Musk, this segregated workplace thing is really causing some negative sentiment towards the company. You really need to find a way to re-direct the conversation.

Elon: Say no more, I’m on it.

PR Person: Want me to review what you–

Elon: Nope, I’ve got it under control.

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Might be accurate if not for the fact that they have zero PR people. He is the PR. The company’s public image would be significantly better if they had a real PR team and locked him out of twitter forever.

i get the allure of investing in tesla, but i have a rule against putting money into a stock attached to the ceo’s twitter like that. he quite obviously manipulates the price intentionally. it’s probably not to shareholders’ benefit.


I don’t get the allure at current prices, it’s absurdly overpriced IMO. I think his price manipulation is probably to his own benefit and since he’s a huge shareholder, it’s probably to shareholders’ benefit. The caveat is that he can pump and dump it on them and they have to dump it in order to enjoy the benefit.

It is so incredibly annoying that nobody with power ever ever stands up to these assholes.

He commits securities fraud basically continuously. Do something SEC!

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Eh I don’t know about that. It probably didn’t hurt, but I know a lot of Tesla owners, myself included, who despise him. The cars are pretty awesome despite him being a massive piece of shit. I guess maybe the cult kept them viable long enough for non-cultists to see the value in the product.

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They fined him $20 million and made him step down as Tesla chairman for 3 years, what more could they possibly do??

this logic doesn’t exactly track. incentives are very different for you vs principals, even though you are both shareholders.

My husband is applying for a job there as a mechanical engineer…but seriously how do people even afford homes there?

Some suggestions:

He could definitely live in a converted van.

RV parked right off of 880 (or over by the Home Depot parking lot around REI. Walmart’s typically have been friendly with regards to RV parking. Over by Bay 101 you can get a gym membership and have a place to shower as well.

It is feasible to live in a converted van in these areas if the salary is reasonable.

More of a general criticism of the Bay Area than just Papa Elon but imagine banking $70 billion a year in bonuses while your prospective engineers are being told to live in vans if the salary is reasonable.

Obviously not the point of your post, but the frustrating answer is they live in the central valley and do ridiculous commutes.

Has East Palo Alto been gentrified yet?

Elon Musk isn’t about to catch a hoped-for break from the SEC any time soon. Sources for The Wall Street Journal claim the SEC is investigating whether Musk and his brother Kimbal violated insider trading regulations with recent share sales. Officials are concerned Elon might have told Kimbal he planned to ask Twitter followers about selling Tesla stock, leading the brother to sell 88,500 shares just a day before the November 6th tweet. If so, the company chief might have broken rules barring employees from trading on undisclosed information.

Kimbal Musk has frequently traded Tesla stock at regular intervals under a plan. He didn’t on November 5th, according to an SEC filing.

We’ve asked the SEC for comment. Tesla isn’t available for comment as it disbanded its communications team sometime in 2020. Musk clearly isn’t on friendly terms with the Commission, however, as he said a day earlier that he “will finish” a fight he believed the SEC started.

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wow this is an amazing self own

he is so close!

hollywood makes movies about startups where the CEO is an evil dweeb becauseee???

an actual company startup where the CEO isn’t a dweeb

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The guy is worth more than entire countries and has an army of insanely devoted fanboys constantly licking his nutsack and he’s still an insecure whiny little bitch. It’s crazy.