Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I have 0 interest in Marvel movies but even I know who Tony Stark is.

ETA: wasn’t Musk in one of them too?

That kids gonna have trouble filling out forms his whole life. Good thing he’s rich.

I thought they broke up.

Elon spreading his DNA, not great Bob. Pretty sure their other kid had a dumbass name too.

Guess they did break up.

Y is like his 8th or 9th kid.

Well that’s a switch.

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Very stable guy. Some might say a stable genius


I mean the author could have ignored the baby existed. Not sure what they were wrestling with ethically.

Seems like a huge stretch to me to hear a second baby cry and come to the conclusion that someone must have a secret second baby.

Basically the reporter already knew they had another baby and is an asshole for making it public.

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My theory is Grimes wanted it known she had a second baby, so told the reporter, but asked him to report it as if he discovered her secret. Maybe she even had some stupid agreement with Elon to not publicize it.

Your theory does seem more plausible to me than the I heard a baby cry and felt compelled to ask questions about it story.

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Errr maybe but different babies definitely have different cries, especially when different ages (even a few months)

I think you misunderstand me. I’m not questioning whether the reporter heard two babies or not. It’s that there could be any number of reasons for another baby to be there and immediately thinking it’s a secret baby is not a logical conclusion most people would immediately make.

So the reporter already knew the secret kid existed, heard the baby cry and used the opportunity asks questions about it while fully knowing that for whatever reason the parents didn’t want it publicized.

The only ethical question is whether the reporter wants to respect their privacy or not. Like
Marksman said the reporter could have simply ignored the baby but the reporter is trying to make it sound like reporters can’t ignore it and have a duty to report it.


Errr maeby but secret babies definitely have different cries

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I simply don’t give a fuck about journalistic ethics (the same ones that apparently allow every NYT reporter on the payroll to hold back damning information to later publish it in their books) when dealing with a god damn cartoon villain asshole piece of shit like Elon Musk.

Surely at some point liberals are going to wake up and realize their principles are absolutely worthless in dealing with the worst people ever, and will in fact be weaponized by those people to crush them.