Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I’m not sure the secret baby incident is going to be the road-to-Damascus moment you’re looking for here…


Reading the entire article, I think it makes more sense.

The first kid was at Musk’s house until the next day. The reporter thought he was alone with Grimes at her house; he was unaware of the baby and the nanny. He heard a baby cry upstairs. I assume he actually only said something like, “Do you need to take care of that?” and then embellished his inner dialogue to make the interaction more entertaining for the article.


What an assclown.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this man.


Владимир Путин is Vladimir Putin.

The real biopic is going to reveal he is full on insane.

Putin accepts and offers Musk the choice of weapons. Musk chooses hummus.

The guy shit posted his way to half a trillion dollars. Why stop now?

What is it with mega-wealthy people who get obsessed with transgender people? Used to be these kinds of people would get into Egyptology or something, now they just want to be mad at trans people being on Netflix.

are you talking about elon or vladimir?

i guess it doesn’t matter. applies to both

Putin is based Musk is soy.

you can’t buy this sort of publicity

If Elon got slipped some polonium for helping Ukraine I’d actually start to wonder if the upswing was starting.

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Can we please at least start dusting off the guillotines yet?


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Lennon notably left out ‘imagine there’s no people who think they’ll become one with the catcher in the rye after they murder him’. Quite an oversight imo.

I think that’s hilarious, but I fucking hate that song.