Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I dunno but Working Class Hero feels more suitable for this moment in history.

Elon Musk becomes Twitter’s largest shareholder

Per Bloomberg data, Musk’s 9.2 per cent Twitter stake would make him the largest shareholder in the company. Notably it’s more than quadruple the 2.25 per cent position of founder Jack Dorsey.

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It’s happening.gifjpeg

And now King Douche is on the board. What could go wrong.

And LOL at the SEC. Utterly fucking useless, this is a confession of securities fraud.

I mean, the SEC is 100% coming after him for this, so seems premature to lol at them for being ineffectual. The substance is also less clear than you’re making it out to be. Everyone else in the world would file this as a 13D because they don’t want to pick fights with the SEC for no reason, but it seems unlikely that he’s actually trying to do some kind of stealth takeover of Twitter.


I’m getting tired of him writing about trump and Elon every day

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When told about how Facebook does edit with an indicator and a change log:

Trumpers are for sure thinking this means Babylon bee being unbanned.

Btw Elon’s deal with twitter for the board seat limits him to owning no more than 14.9% of the company.

gjge, corparate governance. liz warren is going to put some of that fire in a book and an interview. and then nothing will happen

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It’s kind of funny how Elon made a big deal about having to sell Tesla stock to pay his taxes but he can just drop $2.89 billion to buy a majority stake in Twitter no problem.

Great country we have here.



I think Musk is a lunatic, but one thing I do appreciate is that he genuinely seems to be enjoying himself. I feel like there are a ton of super angry rich people who make me think, “God I hope when I’m rich I just chill out and enjoy myself”. Musk is out there living his best life, while someone like Peter Thiel seems absolutely miserable.


Although Musk’s whole deal has a certain neediness to it that makes you wonder. Really happy people seldom strive to make themselves the center of attention all the time.


He is a 4th tier meme lord who undoubtedly thinks bodily function humor is the funniest thing ever invented by man.

I blame trump for Elon’s behavior a little bit. He showed acting like an adult is not necessary.

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I beg your pardon.

Farting, good sir, is the root node from which the entire tree of humor manifests itself. Followed closely by pee pee and ca ca. Good day!

I guess we’ve circled back to pumping doge.