Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Have you been in a coma?


Voting for low taxes is incompatible with not being extremely racist. Itā€™s not even subtle.

at which percentile of wealth would you start voting GOP? Fingers crossed your app game takes off

Citation needed

Itā€™s pretty clear. Do you really need examples?

Iā€™m curious what GOP turnout would look like without Trump on the ticket

Trumpism isnā€™t really about trump anymore. It will thrive in his absence.


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Depends a lot on why heā€™s not on the ticket. If heā€™s alive and ranting about how he got ratfucked and everything is rigged theyā€™re in trouble.

Trump didnā€™t kill himself


Trumpism moving on while Trump is still in the picture seems complicated.

Edit: what LFS said.

In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply.


I wonder what part of that is during production.

If you want an omelette.

Iā€™m not saying this is wrong, but can you give an example of why? I canā€™t call my boss a racist and even if I could, it doesnā€™t demonstrate why low taxes are racist. Iā€™d like to hear his rebuttal if I can point out why

Taxes pay for services that disproportionately impact the lives of the poor, who themselves are disproportionately minorities.

The response typically is that the government ā€œwastesā€ money and charities are more efficient, so Iā€™d rather give to charities. Charities cannot operate on the scale of a funded government, so that argument fails.

Easy example: School funding.

Look at the public schools in a rich white area vs a poor predominantly black one. Kids in affluent school districts get better teachers, better facilities, just more opportunities in general. Why shouldnā€™t kids be given roughly equal chances to succeed in society regardless of what zip code their parents live?


Good lord

Lmao his two remaining lawyers just quit after listening to this


Sweet Summer Child take maybe but watching those Bret Baier clips I donā€™t think that guy is winning another election and probably not getting the nomination

The problem is that nobody whoā€™s ever running against him and no one whoā€™s ever moderating a debate is capable of hammering him like that