Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He looks like shit at least


It didn’t really seem like hammering him. He just read what was in the indictment and then let him spit out bullshit basically uncontested. When he went through the list of people he hired and then said we’re incompetent, that was pretty nice, but when Trump said for every one, I had ten great people, a simple question would be, like who?


Safe to say Fox has had enough of Trump.


They’ve tried dumping Trump and hitching themselves to the Desantis wagon earlier this year. It didn’t work; they went right back to him.

No. You?

It is pretty wild that the hardest hitting interview of Trump in the last 6 years ends up coming from Fox News in 2023. Was not on my bingo card.

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Deep-dicked by the deep state - The Steve Bannon Story

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In 2024 each and every one of these people will be stumping for him when his cult runs roughshod over all of them in the primaries.

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It’s not like their audience demands consistency. Fox News guys will get up there and say “keep big government out of medicare!” and the audience just thinks DAMN RIGHT!

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Yeah Fox has tried to hedge their bets on Trump at every point, and it has never lasted. Every bad Trump news cycle they dip their toes into the resistance waters. They want to make sure they are ahead of the curve if and when Trump’s supporters start to leave him but I’m pretty sure that’s not something they have to worry about. They just have to be more careful about blatantly echoing his lies.

His trial is going to be a complete and utter shitshow and it likely doesn’t matter because the odds that at least one true believer sneaks onto the jury have to be pretty good, right?

lol bullshit. The script isn’t that hard. Trump didn’t split the atom.

Hilarious how pathetic and impotent most people are in the face of a bully like the malady mandarin


It would be fun to see some rich Republican who hates Trump run for the GOP nomination just to troll Trump. Like the only purpose is to get into the debates to tell Trump to go manhandle his limp member on his gold toilet while his wife spends his money. Keep brushing his teeth with Sudafed, etc.

Unfortunately his supporters can wish any failings or inconsistencies away to the cornfield in the name of racism and “fiscal policy”.

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Oh you brag about raping people

Ah it’s just locker room talk

Tell me more about jailing Mexicans in concentration camps.

You are conflating awareness of intentions with products of intentions.

The worst people in history started from the same place of identity as the best people in history. Most people don’t see themselves as bad or malicious people. They are consciously choosing actions for the benefit of all people. That is their identity.

If you ask them to acknowledge how their actions contribute to the deaths of trans kids, they will react as though you accused them of being transphobic or of being a transphobe.

Again, because it’s hard for people to discuss what outcomes our actions contribute to without feeling as though we are actually talking about our identity.

Even people who understand what you might be getting at will struggle to talk about the consequences without also talking about their identity.

They can’t separate the identity of Ally with a person who also did something that contributed to the harm or death of the person they were trying to help.

Look at what happens with modern Republicans asked to acknowledge the systemic and individual consequences of their actions toward people of color. They answer questions of identity, such as whether they HATE people of color, then apply bootstrapping logic that as long as they love people of color and work hard for their benefit, no deeper criticism of their actions is appropriate.

This isn’t unique to republicans or conservatives. This is human bias and frailty in action. Most people on UP and beyond illustrate the same silly reactions as soon as the topic shifts to people with transgender experiences and medical backgrounds. Are the people on UP a bunch of transphobes?

No, but the conversation for me often has the same dynamic and obstacles as trying to talk to a conservative about racism.

I go through the same thing regarding my own prejudices when confronted with the people I thought I was allied with but who are not extensions of me and my intentions in the way I thought.

Talking about these things is hard, and most of the time, we are all struggling to have a productive conversation not because we are missing the right strategy or debate technique, but because people like your boss are not having the same conversation as you.

You need to take like two dozen steps back with him to find an agreed upon starting point that empowers you to move beyond talking at opposite ends. But there’s no magic bullet or technique to persuade him to have the conversation you’re trying to have (or to acknowledge how he is not actually participating in that conversation).


In what is otherwise a good post, allies aren’t supposed to be extensions of your thoughts, they are people who will think differently about a topic but agree with you on the goal and help achieve it. That person will always have different goals on other topics.

In complex cases, however, it is common for both prosecutors and defense lawyers to agree to ask a judge to delay a trial to give them time to prepare their cases, and to sort out disputes over what evidence can be presented to jurors.

Tim Parlatore, a former lawyer for Trump in the case, told Axios last week, “I wouldn’t foresee this thing getting tried within a year.”

“I can foresee some fairly substantive motions to dismiss” the indictment, Parlatore told that news outlet. “I could also see them going through several discovery motions, and there will be fights over disclosure. I think each round of motions is going to take three months.”

I will be absolutely floored if this trial is completed and a verdict reached before Nov 2024

The bar hearing for John Eastman is currently on.

EASTMAN’s counsel Randall Miller:
“What you’ll hear from Dr. Eastman…is that he was not there to steal the election…the focus was on ensuring the election was properly and legally certified and votes were properly counted.”
He says Eastman’s theories were “tenable”