Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I agree. He even admits that someone not having equal rights sucks and he’d never treat them differently himself, but it’s just not his first priority policy-wise

Give me examples or debating points because I feel like I lose every single time to them. They call me a socialist who wants to reward lazy people for not working. I can’t get my points across no matter how hard I try (I’m not a good debator). These guys all think that billionaires deserve every penny they have because they’re so smart and hard working and everyone who struggles is dumb and lazy and I’m out of ways to explain that people like Musk are privileged assholes and there are smart people who work much harder than he does

Shaming them is all that works. Good faith debate doesn’t work because they’re not honest.

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I agree, but they don’t think that and would get extremely offended at being called racist. My boss and some co-workers are the closest I have to deplorables in my life that I can’t disassociate myself from

I agree with shaming racists and bigots, but I feel like I should be able to logically and even mathematically explain why our system of crony capitalism is broken, corrupt, and doesn’t work anymore

I don’t know. They’re hopelessly hard-headed. Ask them why they have no alternative to Obamacare? Capitalism doesn’t work great for everything. If you need a car, you can get a $1,000 car or a $100,000 car. But if you need heart surgery, you can’t go to the dirty scalpel hospital and get one on the cheap. Therefore, there has to be a way to allow for everyone to get the health care they need, through a socialized medical system. What’s their alternative? Letting people die because they can’t afford health care? And that would make America great?


Even there, when you really drill down, they don’t think poor people (or more precisely, poor minorities) should get health care at all.

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Yeah, exactly. And that’s why they’re not outraged that they and the white nationalists are voting for the same guy. Deep down, they think it’s pretty cool. At best, their whole “economic policy” theme is really just all about them. All about their personal tax bill or what they have to pay for gas. They give zero fucks about managing a complex society. It’s only about them personally.

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It’s the worst slur in the world.

Just ask @MrWookie or @ikestoys

“If Republican policies are better than dems, why are all of the worst states in terms of employment, wages, teen pregnancy, and virtually any other quality of life metrics, states that have been under the exclusive control of Republicans for 50+ years?” is an ok start.


This is fine, but the answer is that Cactus’s coworkers simply don’t give a shit about other people.

“I vote on taxes and economic policies” is equivalent to “fuck you, I got mine”.


Yeah it’s this. The range of people you would bother busting out clever talking points or statistics to either just dgaf about other people all the way up to actively hating certain groups of people. They are either unable to or unwilling to have their minds or world views changed. Sure, there are exceptions to this rule, and those people have pudding for brains. Fox News, Frank Lutz, et al won.

He’s hard to argue with because he’s not really saying anything he wouldn’t or couldn’t do himself. He came from a poor family and I truly believe he would be successful no matter his upbringing (although there’s no way to explain how much of that would be due to being a white privileged male). But he is very smart, has the gift of gab, and would work 3-4 jobs if necessary to obtain money. IOW, I think he’s one of the few who could actually do what he preaches

My point to him is that you shouldn’t have to be a resourceful, smart, hardworking problem solver like he is simply to survive. Some people value say, family life over success and money. But that doesn’t mean if they work 40 hours a week they don’t deserve healthcare, food, and a roof over their heads. He just doesn’t buy that and thinks everyone should be like him and if they’re not, well too bad for them

If I point out that corporations are greedy and exploit their workers, his answer is that nobody’s forcing them to work there and they should get a better job. It’s maddening talking to him

Sucks they don’t have equal rights, he just doesn’t think it’s important enough to help them get them

“cool so you’ll vote for whoever lowers your taxes, how much did you pay in taxes in 2016? How much in 2020? Oh you don’t know? Then it must be not that important right? Why do you really vote the way you do then?”


This would come up a lot on Chiefsplanet. I would ask them where are all the better jobs were, and if everyone moved to these better jobs, who would be left to do the crap jobs?

Never got an answer.

You won’t get any help here with that because most of them love the system.

Can’t remember where I heard it, but someone recently said that capitalism works great for things you want, but terrible for things you need.


This is true. Capitalism in the past has worked great at producing and creating things, but it sucks at distributing those things to people in need. I wanna say ~20% of all food goes to waste. It’s simply cheaper to throw good food away than get it to those who are starving

I blame a lot of it on corruption and an uneven playing field, but I’m not sure if it could work even under ideal conditions at this point and saying that makes you unAmerican in a lot of eyes

Food going to waste vs famine.