Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

It just crazy to think that the only thing keeping DeSantis from crushing Biden in 2024 is Trump. Orange Man is our only hope.

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I don’t think it’s a given DeSantis crushes Biden. I think DeSantis is a terrible candidate in his own right - he’s the type of guy voters like in principle, but hate when actually exposed to.


Nothing ever gonna top the Dean Scream

Would make De Santis a million times more interesting if he’d give it a shot tho


Yeah I hate that the “who would you rather have a beer with” litmus test is a thing, because it’s fucking stupid, but DeSantis fails this every time.


You really think Desantis crushes Biden? Other than lower taxes, it’s hard to know what Republican priorities are anymore. I don’t think the fucking with women’s rights and all the fascist bigotry against ethnic and lgbtq populations is exactly mainstream even among Republicans. At least I hope I’m right about that


Am I wrong? I work with quite a few Republican conservatives and none of them want to ban books or take away abortion rights. They are mostly about economic policies and how the poor should pull themselves up by their bootstraps


They might not want to “ban books” and “take away abortion rights” but they’re perfectly fine with “parents deciding their kids education” and “states rights”


Yeah it’s just semantics and failure to reconcile their beliefs with the words they’ve been told are bad


Also, just, your actions show what you want. Not your statements, lol

And lack of action is action

If something is functionally ____, then it’s _____. There is no secret heart

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The people you’re talking about will never say they’re racists, but they realize all the racists are in their party, and they’re okay with that.


If there’s a nazi flag at your rally, you’re at a nazi rally


I guess I go off what I see in my own small world too much. The few Republicans I know fall outside those numbers on abortion. But obviously things are worse than they seem to me or we’d never have such fascists in office

Right and the fact that voters prioritize some things over the rights of others. I honestly believe that my boss has nothing against women, black people, or the lgbtq community. But he’ll tell you flat out that taxes and economic policies are what he votes on. I think a lot of people are like that actually. And the problem is some on the right vote against their interests because something like abortion is their most important priority

that was peak trump right there.

dude has definitely lost a few steps since then, go back and watch those debates and compare to his droning delivery now

still, even at like 50% he’s going to run circles around this clown crew in the primary debates

Lots of people treat their personal circumstances as more normal than they actually are.

The problem with your boss and others like him is that there are no deal-breakers for them. Maybe he likes Republican economic policies. Fine. That’s his right. But he also accepts all the insane shit that comes with those policies. That’s where my patience stops with these folks. He doesn’t like banning books, but it’s not a deal-breaker. He doesn’t vote based on all the racism, but it’s not a deal-breaker. He’s not on board with throwing out Democracy and living under dictatorship, but it’s not a deal-breaker. These are exactly the people that need to be called out and shamed.


Lmao “muh economic policies” GMAFB. Every single R administration since and including Reagan has been a disaster for anyone not in the top 5% and that’s provable, easily.


Don’t be so sure about all those “he doesn’t seem racist” GOP folks!

Spoiler: they’re really fucking racist