Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Plus they have chosen to base their entire worldview on an aggressively anti-fact fairytale where the central and most sacred tenant is believing the most outlandish things in spite of the mountains of evidence to the contrary. Not exactly hard to see why someone like this would love trump. He is the most “religious” person on earth.



Was waiting until the bet got booked so as not to ruin econ’s action but there even being a criminal trial prior to election day has to be a huge dog. Add in needing a unanimous jury in a charged political environment and the odds of convicting Trump prior to election day has to be nearly zero.

Hope I’m wrong but getting 12 non-MAGA types on a jury is going to be nearly impossible. And we are already seeing signs that the obvious delay strategy for Trump will work anyways.

None of these cases have even had a preliminary hearing yet have they?

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Also the small matter that in the impossible event he was convicted there is a zero percent chance said conviction would result in any legal or political consequence.


He gets us.


Expecting my first annual payout on this.Happy to make the same bet with anyone else.

@Cactus when you’re ready. Pay 20 to a charity of your choice on this list.


Nothing’s certain. I’ll take any extra equity.

Nikki Haley gonna find out why the caged birdbrain sings. Maybe.

Trump allies are working to quash the possibility of a Trump-Haley ticket.

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I can’t see Trump putting somebody on the ticket who has criticized him for being too old, etc.

I’ll give you even money a jury will be sworn in before Labor Day. Fair value for that is like 0.70 or 0.80, so there is plenty of edge for me.

Amended to include “or opening arguments”, since there might be a bench trial.

He’s envisioning Nikki groveling, taking it all back, and bringing him Diet Coke.

Can I interest you in a wager on this proposition?

Edit: I just saw that I’m late to the party. If you want more action, let me know. I’ll even give you 3:2. Settle via paypal.



Trump will dangle VP to shut her up then pick Laura Loomer or whoever


MTG or Boebert would be more this timeline.

Nah, Trump isn’t going to want anyone who might outshine him in the attention department.

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Is it just me or is twitter just a lot of Trump poops himself and is using footpads to keep from keeling over posts right now?

Yeah I definitely clicked something I shouldn’t have.

Damn you Elon. Says “Depends” obviously


Lots of 30 Rock clips right now, which is a plus.