Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I’m sure his loyalty will be rewarded.



Unfortunately, he’d actually be pretty good at that job. Very different from Hucks and Propaganda Barbie, both of whom I thought were terrible, but lots of people thought were good. If he’s good, it would be a very different kind of good from whatever it was that they were.

Why even have a press sec next term

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No need, there won’t be press conferences

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Why wouldn’t they have them but only allow Fox News and OAN and Epoch Times ask questions?

Life will be very different if trump wins this.

Just think he is going to get rolled ¯_(ツ)_/¯

"Mr. Burns President Trump, your campaign administration seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train.

Why are you so popular?"

And then he’d still go on some long grievance tangent.


Not just a proxy but an all out effort to normalize moving the acceptable discussion goalposts to Mars.

Fortunately I don’t think we’re getting to Mars in my lifetime.

Next man up

What to expect in 2024


I expect


my offer is this nothing


Set a reasonable line. Wichita seems to think 100:1 isn’t enough. What’s your offer?

The line is 0% man

The Unstuck gambling market has set the line at 60%.

60% conviction by election day? Where do i sign up to bet the NO at plus odds?

I declined that offer from someone else, though I took some at 50%.

I’m not even sure if there is a trial conviction is a good bet outside of DC. The jury pools are going to be teeming with MAGA scum in Georgia I assume for example. I guess if the YES includes pleading guilty to reduced charges I could see that being possible assuming the agreement was a slap on the wrist.

If trump wins again I dont know how the rest of the world is going to react. I’m basically the only one of my social group deranged enough to pay more than passing attention to american politics and whenever it comes up nearly everyone is like ‘no surely not, not again he was such a disaster…’ I honestly think most non americans not really paying attention would put the chance at 0 to 1% rather than the like 60% it really is. It’s gonna break a lot of brains. Again.


He’s never, ever pleading guilty to anything. Ever.