Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

And certainly not in any election involving Trump.

Iā€™m going to start all conclusions with ā€œTherefore, among other reasons, of courseā€¦ā€ Thatā€™s unbeatable.


That is just defining swing voters a certain way. Voters either vote Republican, donā€™t vote, vote Democrat. To me swing voters are the ones that move between those options and that correlates with turnout because you wonā€™t move many from voting Republican to Democrat.

To political scientists, swing voters are those who might vote for either party. Thereā€™s an argument that itā€™s better to focus on those voters whose choices are staying home or voting for a specific party and who are highly unlikely to vote for the other major party. Being willing to vote for a third party should effectively count as staying home.


Suburban voters swung pretty hard to Biden between 16-20 and they already had high turnout.


Like this tub isnā€™t going to attempt to put his opponents in jail if he is the president again.

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Unfortunately heā€™ll probably succeed this time.

At least it will be funny. Yā€™all deserve it

Spreading that Holiday Cheer


Is this the first time a President running for another election has publicly told their opponent to rot in hell

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Probably not, there were some pretty contentious 19th century presidential elections where both candidates truly despised each other.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Douglas accused Lincoln of being two-faced. Lincoln said, ā€œIf I had two faces, do you think Iā€™d choose this one?ā€


Dems all in on lol law, seem unaware no criminal trial is happening pre election

ā€œIfā€ and ā€œlikelyā€ doing so much heavy lifting in that headline.

At this rate we wonā€™t even have trials before the election. Once the new year hits ā€œoh canā€™t have trials in the year of elections and also he may have immunity forever because he was the president once herp derpā€

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The Iowa caucus is in less than 3 weeks. The New Hampshire primary is in 4 weeks.

Then weā€™re in full election mode. At what point in this timeline are we actually going to have a trial?

Waiting 3 years to do this was so fucking bad.

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Waiting 3 years was intentional for this exact outcome.


200w (5)


Hopefully this suffices? Itā€™s never a loss donating to a good cause!