Democratic Primary Debates

Someone should have tried to take the gun from the old white man.

Man I thought the Dems were past this nauseating bullshit

Ryan going bold with no hand on heart. Maybe his heart is in his dick.

holy shit, tim ryan REFUSES to place his hand over his heart. instead double-fists his balls. letā€™s see how it works out for him

If this werenā€™t the siteā€™s maiden debate voyage I would be out already

At what point did presidential debates turn into goddamn sportsball games?

Tim Ryan with the bold move of not putting hand over heart

question 1 from jake tapper for tim ryan: why do you hate the troops?

I have a feeling the first commercials will be better than the intro to the debate.

Lol @ claiming this clownshow started at 5 PDT

No Russian anthem?

I stand corrected. That alzheimerā€™s ad was worse.

itā€™s nonstop ads for that fox news showtime show on my end

JC, people itā€™s just the anthem.

Itā€™s just another thing that relates it to sports. Unnecessary.

The anthem is unnecessary in and of itself

Director has watched a lot of American Idol.

Erin Burnett is a national treasure and if she follows the Maria Bartiromo route Iā€™m going to be crushed.

Leggo. Watching Chapo twitch stream.

Watching that debate, not watching what happened the last few days.