Democratic Primary Debates


What is a Steve Bullock?

Except the black people and the women, Marianne

Having to mute this guy, painful to listen to.

Who is she looking at?

And non land owners


Delaney looks most like a giant penis imo

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Hand game is atrocious.

Fuck right off Delaney.


Iā€™m not listening to anyoneā€™s opening statements, just analyzing body language

Delaney with the hot take that Medicare for all is a bad policy. Fuck off, dude.

Ryan has decided heā€™s appealing to this audience in front of him instead of the audience ā€˜out thereā€™ who have a lot of votes.

People who will not be on stage for the next debate:

John Delaney

Who on earth looks at Tim Ryan and says ā€œI like that guyā€?

Hickenlooperā€™s having a hard time convincing himself of what heā€™s saying.

Klobs with the SNL parody skit style!

More like Hicken-stupor

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Also off stage for the next debate:


Very genuine human smile from Amy II Targaryen

These people are painful to listen to, I keep unmuting to listen and then re-muting them after like 10 secs. Bring on someone who isnā€™t a complete no hoper.