Democratic Primary Debates

Over/under on how many times impeachment is brought up to or by a candidate during the debate?

Let us gogogo

Intro confirmed terrible.

Tapper is worse

Time to put back some beers and watch the chaos unfold. HYPE

I don’t remember any reason to dislike Tapper, but maybe he will shortly give me one




This has all the earmarks of a disaster.

Alright Unstuckieds, I got a server monitor up to see how we do. Hammer it for its first stress test.

shoutout to US military from the tapp man, in case you forgot how much he supports the troops

Warren way up on the clap-o-meter

No one’s feeling the Klob.

I saw Warren give a little speech when I was in law school. A professor of mine helped her layout the structure for the CFPB. I’ve been all in on her since.

I would donate real money to help someone sneak in a vuvuzela to one of these.


Warren has the crowd.

wow this crowd could not give a fuck about anybody after bernie and liz

LMAO if anyone had balls they’d take a knee

Oh Christ, not the national anthem shizz again

