Democratic Primary Debates

How does this work if both sides are not amenable to a truce?

Also, wat. Bernie “fell in line” after when he campaigned for HRC. You’re comparing two different things.

He also means don’t post a bunch in a row; only maniacs and menaces to society do that.



Her whole demeanor during and after the debate came across as if she genuinely believes Sanders said what is claimed and was offended that he denied it, implicitly calling her a liar.

What I don’t understand is why the Sanders and Warren campaigns did not work this out before the debate and have non-contradicting statements ready. So much for hoping one of them drops out at some point and endorses the other.


Completely agree. This was from the famous school of tv journalism where you let both sides (usually Dem/Rep) make contradicting statements. Then instead of press, push back or follow up just shrug and go “who is right? I guess we’ll never know. Too bad, somebody should really get on that.”

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The existence of the current Democratic establishment guarantees four more years of Trump. Bernie needs to destroy them and build a party that can compete.

Got my mom and sisters take on this. Both are Warren supporters and I think a good representation of your average mildly informed dem voter so thought I’d share.

Both thought it was dumb and don’t think its a big deal/don’t matter. They don’t think Bernie is sexist and think its just the media causing trouble. And that Bernies script + this is just how politics is played. Bernie is still their 2nd choice.

I’m going with this is only a big deal in the extremely online crowd unless Warren continues to make a big deal about it. I do think a lot of libs are tired of the identity politics stuff as well and want their politicians to focus on the issues that matter.


The Bernie Bro moniker is sexist and erases the many women supporters of Bernie (which there are more than any other candidate)

Let’s be better UP

Yeah if there’s one thing that’s been clear in this whole thing, it’s that the misogynistic media has definitely taken Bernie’s side.

This is not a slight to you in any way, because I think your reaction is pretty understandable, but the visceral reaction you’re experiencing is the reason why Liz leaked this.

Is this shit supposed to be clever?

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Beyond naive to believe that CNN decided to go as HAM as possible with this particular scheme to take out the socialist on behalf of their corporate overlords w/o Warren’s personal approval. Risking her coming out, defending Bernie, contradicting them and saying they are scum for taking some paraphrased second hand accounts wildly out of context to make inflammatory, unbelievable smears against Bernie?

No way, they asked Warren to confirm that this BS was her story but would keep it off the record, then they would quote her four buddies as saying such in the story.

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This is a genuinely good point. Bernie definitely didn’t have to go the straight denial route to avoid sounding like a sexist…

But the reality is that both of them are probably at least somewhat convinced that splitting the progressive vote on Super Tuesday is a bad idea.

I think a lot of us don’t want to face how important Iowa is going to be. If Biden wins Iowa his chances of winning the nomination are something like 80%. If he loses Iowa his chances are something like 20%. It’s the same for Bernie and Warren both. It’s probably not an accident that their nonaggression pact is breaking down (and both sides are clearly at least somewhat guilty of breaking it) 2-3 weeks from the Iowa caucus.

Your mistake is assuming that this was a series of unfortunate events that got out of hand.

CNN is a multi billion company full of millionaire employees who can’t stand the socialist. Warren is a morally bankrupt candidate that had no path to victory, and needed a Hail Mary. Once you understand that and use basic logic, it’s very easy to under how this happened.


I don’t think this needs to be the end of any Bernie/Warren team up in the end unless this story carries on past the Iowa primary. I think in a world where Bernie or Warren rolled up Iowa/NH/Nevada and the other did poorly they could still drop out and endorse/campaign for the other. People’s anger will subside and we will move on. Maybe I am being naive here but I really hope the worst case scenarios discussed here where she turns into a Biden surrogate from here aren’t true.

I think one thing I haven’t seen talked about is how Trump could weaponize this later IF Warren is the nom. Nonstop tweeting about how even Crazy Bernie knew Fauxcohontas can’t win is right in his wheelhouse.

Literally no one I have talked to in the real world thinks this is a big story although I think some damage is done through pure osmosis because of the headlines. I also think Bernie’s base is pretty unmovable whereas Warrens obviously is so this was a high risk play for her and it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Nope it’s true. Plenty of women support Bernie and it’s sad that you among others try and label them as toxic Bernie bros.


You are exactly correct, but are missing the even bigger point. This wasn’t a Fox News ploy, it was all orchestrated by CNN.

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There’s literally no world where Warren turns into a Biden surrogate where he hasn’t already won the nomination. She literally hates the guy because of that bankruptcy bill. In a fight between him and Trump she’s picking him… but it’s not as far apart as you would think.

Bernie couldn’t rank lower than Biden for her by doing anything short of physically assaulting her.

Very much not a Bernie bro myself but I want to come in and say that yes Bernie absolutely does have tons of female support. 40% of his donors are female. Given the level of economic inequality between the genders that’s not crazy. Warren is only at 51% female.

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It would be helpful to everyone if you didn’t go out of your way to reinforce the BernieBro stereotype.

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CNN did it because they hate Bernie the socialist and Warren agreed to work with CNN as high variance play given she had no path to victory two weeks out from Iowa.

Bernie knows how horrible CNN is, what he didn’t see coming was Warren’s lack of character, viciousness and cravenness.

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