Democratic Primary Debates

I think Warren is better positioned to destroy the establishment in that she’s given more thought into who needs to be appointed to various jobs to get things done. Maybe Bernie would just rely on her recommendations, but she’s the one I trust the most to pick the right people to carry out progressive policies, especially on economic issues.

This is why she’s still the person I’d most like to be president… it’s her road to getting there that worries me. She doesn’t seem to be very good at getting elected, and I’m starting to see that as an unacceptable risk in this spot.

Her policies aren’t progressive. They’re half-assed Obama policy steps. She’s walked back UHC. She’s shown horrible political instincts ever since I first heard of her.

Bernie is the only way to win.


Consider their post-debate language. Warren says, “I think you called me a liar.” That leaves some wiggle room which suggests that she is open to them coming to an understanding. Sanders is much more direct. “You called me a…” before breaking off in the presence of Steyer, but his way of phrasing things leaves less room for compromise. Yes, him being an uncompromising ideologue is great when dealing with centrist fools, but it is less great when you’re the one having a disagreement with him.

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What stereotypes are those? Wanting free Healthcare and college?


Warren drops out 2 days before super Tuesday and endorses Biden you heard it here first


Would be a horrendous choice for him and a horrendous career move for her.

Liz accepting Joe 30330’s VP slot maximizes her chance to be president. Dude probably has a one in four chance of dying in the three years after he is elected. And if she loses the primary, it’s really the only path to the presidency for her (and all these people really really really really want to be president).


While I’ve soured on her a bit as a presidential candidate, she’s still a valuable ally in the Senate. It’d be sad and frustrating to see her waste four years as a VP for someone like Biden. It would certainly confirm that she cares about being president more than she cares about advancing progressive policies, though (this has pretty much been proven already, see: healthcare).



Bernie’s better at leading the movement, Liz is better at the nuts and bolts of administration. I truly believe that she will be more effective at wielding executive power than many other politicians who might have more progressive positions, so that she will tend to yield the more progressive outcomes.

I think Warren will be better than Bernie at putting non-establishment people in positions of power who will succeed in those roles. Bernie may be more progressive if you envision a president wielding power in line with the idea of a unitary executive.

I don’t believe that Warren is an establishment figure and I think that some Bernie Bros online feel the need to paint her as such because it feeds into their martyr complex where they need to believe that everyone who is not 100% with them is against them. That gives him a very committed base, which he can leverage with the implied threat that there are enough of them who will vote for Bernie and only Bernie, so that Democrats lose votes if anyone else is the other nominee. Those who see the election as “Bernie or Bust” may benefit from this tussle because it threatens to take away the most progressive other candidate who could be viewed as a an acceptable compromise by his base.


Warren can have MoscowMitch’s job as she seems like the right fit to lead the Senate into the new progressive landscape.

Staffer, lackey, ardent supporter.

Might as well be Melissa from Algona.

So you’re allowed to be an “ardent” Bernie supporter, but I’m not allowed to be an ardent supporter of Pete?

If Bernie doesn’t win the nomination what will you do?

Of course you are allowed to be a supporter of whoever you would like.

More people will die and suffer under a 2nd Trump term than under any democratic candidate. You saying you won’t support any candidate in the general if it isn’t Bernie means you are the bad guy. You are the evil causing the death and suffering.


At this point you aren’t even a Bernie supporter. You clearly believe nothing that he believes in. He would hate seeing any of his supporters acting this way.


Alright then, you do you. I do think you’re making a pretty big mistake though. I hate some of the Dem candidates too, but even they are still far better than Trump with the ability to see some small positive change. Then there are a few who would lead with a true progressive agenda that you would be pretty silly to not support. Yeah that includes Warren who you probably hate right now and would also be the most liberal President in the history of our country.


I’m sure all your female, LGBT, and POC friends truly appreciate your principled stance. The families at the border, too. They’ll be especially proud of you. Might even give you one of their mylar blankets as a gift.


Yup. Saying Trump is no different from dems is basically saying “I’m not a dreamer” or “I’m not dependent on Obamacare or medicaid expansion for my healthcare”. That’s great that you’re at a level of privilege where Trump vs a random dem doesn’t have an impact on your life but hundreds of thousands of us aren’t so lucky. Maybe think of us when you decide who to vote for or not vote for in the general.