Democratic Primary Debates

She also has Hillary shills acting as her METOO surrogates lying on CNN and being corrected by

Checks notes

Anderson Fucking Cooper

I believe that she believes he said something like that.

She’s Cartman.

Correct. And this is how we know she’s being malicious.

Why do you post this way?

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She also went up to him after the debate in which they were all presumably wearing microphones, obviously on camera from three or four different angles and definitely standing right next to a row of podiums with big old microphones on them, and refused to shake his hand and accused him of calling her a liar on national TV and wanted to have the argument right then and there with all the cameras and microphones and journalists around.

So to think that she played no role in this starting or escalating, to think she didn’t really want to talk about it, to think she wanted it to blow over… is an insane level of naivety.


She’s an attention…magnet.

She’s a magnet for attention.

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I don’t give the benefit of the doubt to chronic liars. I don’t understand how Warren’s defense team ITT is so hellbent on wishcasting theories of how her tactics are anything other than evidence of her massive and implacable ego. It’s more plausible she supports Biden than Bernie. Her appropriation of the left platform was just expediency.

Hillary was more scrupulous.


No…that’s not what I meant. Look around you. No one else posts like you do. This isn’t twitter. You don’t get to just dump your shit posting and run. This is a community with real people. Try a little harder.

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I work and have a life.

I post when I can.

I can’t post all day wtf.

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Rapid fire responses in several directions makes it more difficult to counter. Even if you take the time to rebut every point most people aren’t going to take the time to sort through it all, so some of the noise has an effect. I’m sure this was part of his training when he got hired on at the Russian troll farm.

Your noise isn’t having any effect on the sane and rational.

But please keep projecting.

So you’re saying that our twitter presence has garnered a new user!


Just batshit insane. I await with interest the post-debate polls, but I suspect the answer is that there isn’t going to be any movement.

Warren stans gaslighting “you’re a rapist if you question a woman” is literally sub-Trump depths.

Mariana Trench depths.

It turns out Heffernan is the author of that infamously insane Hillary Clinton is light itself piece so I guess her take here is not surprising.

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“Watching the Tuesday night kabuki in slo-mo, you can see that Sanders (I-Vt.), who’s notoriously irritable and suffers from cardiac issues, was riled by whatever Warren said, and by her refusal to be touched. He shook a finger at her. Then again. He seemed intent on freeing her right hand to grab it.”

This is who Warren fans are. Just reading this shit is worse than bleach in my eyes.


Also on this whole idea that she’s behind the original leak of this conversation: no, that’s not at all clear or established yet.

And yet, I must press on

“ Panic over being canceled is very real, especially for ruling-class men like Bernie, who despite his socialist tendencies is also a millionaire and U.S. senator. But Sanders in his fear couldn’t summon anything like the humor and irony of “SNL.” Or the self-awareness. Or the good-natured affection he wanted Warren to perform for him .”


Speaking of gaslighting, nobody said this, Warren stan or not

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